'acuph <0624>

Poa 'acuph

Asal Mula:passive participle of 0622
Referensi:TWOT - 140c
Jenis Kata:n m (noun masculine)
Dalam Ibrani:Mypoah 1, Mypoalw 1, ypoab 1
Dalam TB:gudang perlengkapan 1, gudang-gudang perlengkapan 1, perlengkapan 1
Dalam AV:Asuppim 2, threshold 1
Definisi : 1) what is gathered, store, storing, storehouse 2) (CLBL) threshold (metonomy)
passive participle of 622; collected (only in the plural), i.e. a collection of offerings): KJV -- threshold, Asuppim.
see HEBREW for 0622
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