Yow'ash <03101>

vawy Yow'ash or vay Yo'ash (\\#2Ch 24:1\\)

Pelafalan:yo-awsh' yo-awsh'
Asal Mula:a form of 03060
Jenis Kata:n pr m (noun proper masculine)
Dalam Ibrani:sawy 40, sawyl 4, sawyw 2, say 1
Dalam TB:Yoas 47
Dalam AV:Joash 47
Definisi : Joash = "given by the Lord" 1) son of king Ahaziah and the 8th king of Judah 2) son of king Jehoahaz and the 12th king of the northern kingdom of Israel 3) father of Gideon 4) a son of king Ahab 5) a descendant of Shelah the son of Judah; either the son of Shelah or the son of Jokim 6) son of Shemaah of Gibeah who resorted to David at Ziklag
or Yoash (2 Chron. 24:1) {yo-awsh'}; a form of 3060; Joash, the name of six Israelites: KJV -- Joash.
see HEBREW for 03060
Yunani Terkait:-
dlm Alkitab
:Yoas (TB, BIS, TL, FAYH)

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