Chammath <02575>

tmx Chammath

Asal Mula:a variation for the first part of 02576
Jenis Kata:n pr loc (noun proper locative)
Dalam Ibrani:tmxw 1, tmxm 1
Dalam TB:Hamat 2
Dalam AV:Hammath 1
Definisi : Hammath = "hot spring" 1) one of the fortified cities in the territory allotted to Naphtali
a variation for the first part of 2576; hot springs; Chammath, a place in Palestine: KJV -- Hammath.
see HEBREW for 02576
Yunani Terkait:-
dlm Alkitab
:Hamat (TB, BIS, TL, FAYH)

TIP #19: Centang "Pencarian Tepat" pada Pencarian Universal untuk pencarian teks alkitab tanpa keluarga katanya. [SEMUA]
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