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(0.999608125)Eze 14:10

They will bear their punishment; 1  the punishment of the one who sought an oracle will be the same as the punishment of the prophet who gave it 2 

(0.81617659375)Num 5:31

Then the man will be free from iniquity, but that woman will bear the consequences 1  of her iniquity.’” 2 

(0.81617659375)Psa 69:27

Hold them accountable for all their sins! 1  Do not vindicate them! 2 

(0.6995799375)Lev 26:39

“‘As for the ones who remain among you, they will rot away because of 1  their iniquity in the lands of your enemies, and they will also rot away because of their ancestors’ 2  iniquities which are with them.

(0.6595703125)2Sa 22:24

I was blameless before him; I kept myself from sinning. 1 

(0.6595703125)Job 10:6

that 1  you must search out 2  my iniquity, and inquire about my sin,

(0.6595703125)Job 10:14

If I sinned, then you would watch me and you would not acquit me of my iniquity.

(0.6595703125)Job 14:17

My offenses would be sealed up 1  in a bag; 2  you would cover over 3  my sin.

(0.6595703125)Job 20:27

The heavens reveal his iniquity; the earth rises up against him.

(0.6595703125)Job 22:5

Is not your wickedness great 1  and is there no end to your iniquity?

(0.6595703125)Psa 18:23

I was innocent before him, and kept myself from sinning. 1 

(0.6595703125)Psa 38:18

Yes, 1  I confess my wrongdoing, and I am concerned about my sins.

(0.6595703125)Psa 89:32

I will punish their rebellion by beating them with a club, 1  their sin by inflicting them with bruises. 2 

(0.6595703125)Psa 90:8

You are aware of our sins; 1  you even know about our hidden sins. 2 

(0.6595703125)Psa 103:3

He is the one who forgives all your sins, who heals all your diseases, 1 

(0.6595703125)Psa 107:17

They acted like fools in their rebellious ways, 1  and suffered because of their sins.

(0.6595703125)Psa 130:8

He will deliver 1  Israel from all the consequences of their sins. 2 

(0.6595703125)Hos 13:12

The punishment 1  of Ephraim has been decreed; 2  his punishment is being stored up for the future.

(0.5829833125)Lev 26:40

However, when 1  they confess their iniquity and their ancestors’ iniquity which they committed by trespassing against me, 2  by which they also walked 3  in hostility against me 4 

(0.5829833125)Psa 32:5

Then I confessed my sin; I no longer covered up my wrongdoing. I said, “I will confess 1  my rebellious acts to the Lord.” And then you forgave my sins. 2  (Selah)

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