TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Matius 6:10


6:10 may your kingdom come, 1 

may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Lukas 11:2

11:2 So he said to them, “When you pray, 2  say:

Father, 3  may your name be honored; 4 

may your kingdom come. 5 

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[6:10]  1 sn Your kingdom come represents the hope for the full manifestation of God’s promised rule.

[11:2]  2 sn When you pray. What follows, although traditionally known as the Lord’s prayer, is really the disciples’ prayer. It represents how they are to approach God, by acknowledging his uniqueness and their need for his provision and protection.

[11:2]  3 tc Most mss, including later majority (A C D W Θ Ψ 070 Ë13 33vid Ï it), add ἡμῶν ὁ ἐν τοῖς οὐρανοῖς (Jhmwn Jo en toi" oujranoi", “our [Father] in heaven”) here. This makes the prayer begin like the version in Matt 6:9. The shorter version is read by Ì75 א B (L: + ἡμῶν) 1 700 pc as well as some versions and fathers. Given this more weighty external evidence, combined with the scribal tendency to harmonize Gospel parallels, the shorter reading is preferred.

[11:2]  sn God is addressed in terms of intimacy (Father). The original Semitic term here was probably Abba. The term is a little unusual in a personal prayer, especially as it lacks qualification. It is not the exact equivalent of “Daddy” (as is sometimes popularly suggested), but it does suggest a close, familial relationship.

[11:2]  4 tn Grk “hallowed be your name.”

[11:2]  5 tc Most mss (א A C D W Θ Ψ 070 Ë13 33vid Ï it) read at the end of the verse “may your will be done on earth as [it is] in heaven,” making this version parallel to Matt 6:10. The shorter reading is found, however, in weighty mss (Ì75 B L pc), and cannot be easily explained as arising from the longer reading.

[11:2]  sn Your kingdom come represents the hope for the full manifestation of God’s promised rule.

TIP #06: Pada Tampilan Alkitab, Tampilan Daftar Ayat dan Bacaan Ayat Harian, seret panel kuning untuk menyesuaikan layar Anda. [SEMUA]
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