Lukas 21:5-6
The Future of the Temple (Matius 24:1;Markus 13:1;Lukas 21:5)
Signs of the End of the Age (Matius 24:2;24:4-26;Markus 13:2;13:5-23;Lukas 21:6;21:8-24)
Jesus foretells the destruction of the temple
Disciples admire the buildings of the temple, The
Jesus predicts the destruction of the temple
Jesus foretells the destruction of the temple

The inclusion of artwork depicting the fall of Jerusalem AD 70 is selective
Destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans, The
Romans set fire to Jerusalem, The
Romans set fire to Jerusalem, The
Titus besieges Jerusalem

(26 Gambar)
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Pasal Terkait:
Matius 24 ;
Markus 13 ;
Lukas 21