TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Yosua 19:32

Naphtali’s Tribal Lands

19:32 The sixth lot belonged to the tribe of Naphtali 1  by its clans.

Yosua 21:13

21:13 So to the descendants of Aaron the priest they assigned Hebron (a city of refuge for one who committed manslaughter), Libnah,

Yosua 21:21

21:21 They assigned them Shechem (a city of refuge for one who committed manslaughter) in the hill country of Ephraim, Gezer,
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[19:32]  1 tn Heb “the sixth lot came out for the sons of Naphtali, for the sons of Naphtali.”

TIP #16: Tampilan Pasal untuk mengeksplorasi pasal; Tampilan Ayat untuk menganalisa ayat; Multi Ayat/Kutipan untuk menampilkan daftar ayat. [SEMUA]
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