TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Yosua 1:4

1:4 Your territory will extend from the wilderness in the south to Lebanon in the north. It will extend all the way to the great River Euphrates in the east (including all of Syria) 1  and all the way to the Mediterranean Sea 2  in the west. 3 

Yosua 1:15

1:15 until the Lord gives your brothers a place like yours to settle and they conquer the land the Lord your God is ready to hand over to them. Then you may go back to your allotted land and occupy the land Moses the Lord’s servant assigned you east of the Jordan.” 4 

Yosua 2:10

2:10 For we heard how the Lord dried up the water of the Red Sea before you when you left Egypt and how you annihilated the two Amorite kings, Sihon and Og, on the other side of the Jordan. 5 

Yosua 14:3

14:3 Now Moses had assigned land 6  to the two-and-a-half tribes east of the Jordan, but he assigned no land 7  to the Levites. 8 

Yosua 17:1


17:1 The tribe of Manasseh, Joseph’s firstborn son, was also allotted land. 9  The descendants of Makir, Manasseh’s firstborn and the father of Gilead, received land, for they were warriors. 10  They were assigned Gilead and Bashan. 11 

Yosua 19:34

19:34 It turned westward to Aznoth Tabor, extended from there to Hukok, touched Zebulun on the south, Asher on the west, and the Jordan 12  on the east.

Yosua 22:11

22:11 The Israelites received this report: 13  “Look, the Reubenites, Gadites, and half-tribe of Manasseh have built an altar at the entrance to 14  the land of Canaan, at Geliloth near the Jordan on the Israelite side.”
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[1:4]  1 tn Heb “all the land of the Hittites.” The expression “the land of the Hittites” does not refer to Anatolia (modern Turkey), where the ancient Hittite kingdom of the second millennium b.c. was located, but rather to Syria, the “Hatti land” mentioned in inscriptions of the first millennium b.c. (see HALOT 1:363). The phrase is omitted in the LXX and may be a scribal addition.

[1:4]  2 tn Heb “the Great Sea,” the typical designation for the Mediterranean Sea.

[1:4]  3 tn Heb “From the wilderness and this Lebanon even to the great river, the River Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, even to the great sea [at] the place where the sun sets, your territory will be.”

[1:15]  4 tn Heb “Then you may return to the land of your possession and possess it, that which Moses, the Lord’s servant, gave to you beyond the Jordan toward the rising of the sun.”

[2:10]  5 tn Heb “and what you did to the two Amorite kings who were beyond the Jordan, Sihon and Og, how you annihilated them.”

[14:3]  6 tn Or “assigned an inheritance.”

[14:3]  7 tn Or “no inheritance.”

[14:3]  8 tn The Hebrew text adds, “in their midst.”

[17:1]  9 tn Heb “and the lot belonged to the tribe of Manasseh, for he was the firstborn of Joseph.”

[17:1]  10 tn Heb “to Makir, the firstborn of Manasseh, the father of Gilead, for he was a man of war.”

[17:1]  11 tn Heb “Gilead and Bashan belonged to him.”

[17:1]  sn On the assignment of Manasseh’s territory in Gilead and Bashan, see Josh 13:31.

[19:34]  12 tc The MT reads “Judah, the Jordan”; the LXX omits “Judah.” Perhaps there was a town named Judah, distinct from the tribe of Judah, located near the northern end of the Jordan.

[22:11]  13 tn Heb “the sons of Israel heard, saying.”

[22:11]  14 tn Heb “toward the front of.”

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