TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Yesaya 9:10


9:10 “The bricks have fallen,

but we will rebuild with chiseled stone;

the sycamore fig trees have been cut down,

but we will replace them with cedars.” 1 

Yesaya 30:14


30:14 It shatters in pieces like a clay jar,

so shattered to bits that none of it can be salvaged. 2 

Among its fragments one cannot find a shard large enough 3 

to scoop a hot coal from a fire 4 

or to skim off water from a cistern.” 5 

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[9:10]  1 sn Though judgment (see v. 8) had taken away the prosperity they did have (symbolized by the bricks and sycamore fig trees), they arrogantly expected the future to bring even greater prosperity (symbolized by the chiseled stone and cedars).

[30:14]  2 tn Heb “Its shattering is like the shattering of a jug of [i.e., “made by”] potters, [so] shattered one cannot save [any of it].”

[30:14]  3 tn The words “large enough” are supplied in the translation for clarification.

[30:14]  4 tn Heb “to remove fire from the place of kindling.”

[30:14]  5 tn On the meaning of גֶבֶא (geveh, “cistern”) see HALOT 170 s.v.

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