TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Yesaya 10:27

anak Rimon : a town of Simeon and Judah, 14 km north of Beer-Sheba,a town of Zebulun 26 km ESE of Acco & 20 km west of Hamath,a rock; a prominent landmark in Benjamin, 6 km east of Bethel,a man of Benjamin from Beeroth; father of Baanah and Rechab,a pagan god of storms
(34° 21´, 36° 23´); (31° 22´, 34° 51´); (31° 22´, 34° 51´); (32° 46´, 35° 19´); (31° 56´, 35° 17´); (34° 21´, 36° 23´); (32° 46´, 35° 19´)

Anak-anak Rimon : a town of Simeon and Judah, 14 km north of Beer-Sheba,a town of Zebulun 26 km ESE of Acco & 20 km west of Hamath,a rock; a prominent landmark in Benjamin, 6 km east of Bethel,a man of Benjamin from Beeroth; father of Baanah and Rechab,a pagan god of storms
(34° 21´, 36° 23´); (31° 22´, 34° 51´); (31° 22´, 34° 51´); (32° 46´, 35° 19´); (31° 56´, 35° 17´); (34° 21´, 36° 23´); (32° 46´, 35° 19´)

bukit batu Rimon : a town of Simeon and Judah, 14 km north of Beer-Sheba,a town of Zebulun 26 km ESE of Acco & 20 km west of Hamath,a rock; a prominent landmark in Benjamin, 6 km east of Bethel,a man of Benjamin from Beeroth; father of Baanah and Rechab,a pagan god of storms
(34° 21´, 36° 23´); (31° 22´, 34° 51´); (31° 22´, 34° 51´); (32° 46´, 35° 19´); (31° 56´, 35° 17´); (34° 21´, 36° 23´); (32° 46´, 35° 19´)

En-Rimon : a spring & town of Simeon and Judah, 14 km north of Beer-Sheba
(34° 21´, 36° 23´); (31° 22´, 34° 51´); (31° 22´, 34° 51´); (32° 46´, 35° 19´); (31° 56´, 35° 17´); (34° 21´, 36° 23´); (32° 46´, 35° 19´)

kuil Rimon : a town of Simeon and Judah, 14 km north of Beer-Sheba,a town of Zebulun 26 km ESE of Acco & 20 km west of Hamath,a rock; a prominent landmark in Benjamin, 6 km east of Bethel,a man of Benjamin from Beeroth; father of Baanah and Rechab,a pagan god of storms
(34° 21´, 36° 23´); (31° 22´, 34° 51´); (31° 22´, 34° 51´); (32° 46´, 35° 19´); (31° 56´, 35° 17´); (34° 21´, 36° 23´); (32° 46´, 35° 19´)

Rimon : a town of Simeon and Judah, 14 km north of Beer-Sheba,a town of Zebulun 26 km ESE of Acco & 20 km west of Hamath,a rock; a prominent landmark in Benjamin, 6 km east of Bethel,a man of Benjamin from Beeroth; father of Baanah and Rechab,a pagan god of storms
(34° 21´, 36° 23´); (31° 22´, 34° 51´); (31° 22´, 34° 51´); (32° 46´, 35° 19´); (31° 56´, 35° 17´); (34° 21´, 36° 23´); (32° 46´, 35° 19´)

Yesaya 46:1

bani Nebo : a town in Moab (on the east side of the Jordan),a mountain in Reuben, 15 km east of the mouth of the Jordan River,a town in Judah (IBD).,the Babylonian deity Nabu, son of Bel (Marduk),the forefather of some men who put away their heathen wives
(31° 44´, 35° 44´); (31° 36´, 35° 2´)

Bel : a pagan god of the Babylonians

dewa Nebo : a town in Moab (on the east side of the Jordan),a mountain in Reuben, 15 km east of the mouth of the Jordan River,a town in Judah (IBD).,the Babylonian deity Nabu, son of Bel (Marduk),the forefather of some men who put away their heathen wives
(31° 44´, 35° 44´); (31° 36´, 35° 2´)

gunung Nebo : a town in Moab (on the east side of the Jordan),a mountain in Reuben, 15 km east of the mouth of the Jordan River,a town in Judah (IBD).,the Babylonian deity Nabu, son of Bel (Marduk),the forefather of some men who put away their heathen wives
(31° 44´, 35° 44´); (31° 36´, 35° 2´)

Nebo : a town in Moab (on the east side of the Jordan),a mountain in Reuben, 15 km east of the mouth of the Jordan River,a town in Judah (IBD).,the Babylonian deity Nabu, son of Bel (Marduk),the forefather of some men who put away their heathen wives
(31° 44´, 35° 44´); (31° 36´, 35° 2´)

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