TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Yeremia 6:29


6:29 The fiery bellows of judgment burn fiercely.

But there is too much dross to be removed. 1 

The process of refining them has proved useless. 2 

The wicked have not been purged.

Yeremia 15:14


15:14 I will make you serve your enemies 3  in a land that you know nothing about.

For my anger is like a fire that will burn against you.”

Yeremia 36:22

36:22 Since it was the ninth month of the year, the king was sitting in his winter quarters. 4  A fire was burning in the firepot in front of him. 5 

Yeremia 50:32


50:32 You will stumble and fall, you proud city;

no one will help you get up.

I will set fire to your towns;

it will burn up everything that surrounds you.” 6 

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[6:29]  1 tn Heb “The bellows blow fiercely; the lead is consumed by the fire.” The translation tries to clarify a metaphor involving ancient metallurgy. In the ancient refining process lead was added as a flux to remove impurities from silver ore in the process of oxidizing the lead. Jeremiah says that the lead has been used up and the impurities have not been removed. The translation is based on the recognition of an otherwise unused verb root meaning “blow” (נָחַר [nakhar]; cf. BDB 1123 s.v. I חָרַר and HALOT 651 s.v. נָחַר) and the Masoretes’ suggestion that the consonants מאשׁתם be read מֵאֵשׁ תַּם (meesh tam) rather than as מֵאֶשָּׁתָם (meeshatam, “from their fire”) from an otherwise unattested noun אֶשָּׁה (’eshah).

[6:29]  2 tn Heb “The refiner refines them in vain.”

[15:14]  3 tc This reading follows the Greek and Syriac versions and several Hebrew mss. Other Hebrew mss read “I will cause the enemy to pass through a land.” The difference in the reading is between one Hebrew letter, a dalet (ד) and a resh (ר).

[36:22]  4 tn Heb “in the autumn house.” Commentators are agreed that this was not a separate building or palace but the winter quarters in the palace.

[36:22]  sn Larger houses, including the palace, were two-storied buildings with a lower quarters better suited for the cold of winter and an upper quarters which was better ventilated to provide cool in the summer. Since this was the ninth month (December) the king had taken up residence in the lower, warmer quarters which were equipped with a portable fire pot or brazier to keep him warm.

[36:22]  5 tc Heb “the fire in the firepot was burning before him.” The translation assumes that the word “fire” (אֵשׁ, ’esh) has dropped out after the particle אֶת (’et) because of the similar beginnings of the two words. The word “fire” is found in the Greek, Syriac, and Targumic translations according to BHS. The particle אֵת should be retained rather than dropped as an erroneous writing of אֵשׁ. Its presence is to be explained as the usage of the sign of the accusative introducing a new subject (cf. BDB 85 s.v. אֶת 3.α and compare the usage in 27:8; 38:16 [in the Kethib]; 45:4).

[50:32]  6 tn Heb “And the proud one will fall and there will be no one to help him up. I will start a fire in his towns and it will consume all that surround him.” The personification continues but now the stance is indirect (third person) rather than direct (second person). It is easier for the modern reader who is not accustomed to such sudden shifts if the second person is maintained. The personification of the city (or nation) as masculine is a little unusual; normally cities and nations are personified as feminine, as daughters or mothers.

TIP #21: Untuk mempelajari Sejarah/Latar Belakang kitab/pasal Alkitab, gunakan Boks Temuan pada Tampilan Alkitab. [SEMUA]
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