Yehezkiel 48:21
Konteks48:21 “The rest, on both sides of the holy allotment and the property of the city, will belong to the prince. Extending from the eight and a quarter miles 1 of the holy allotment to the east border, and westward from the eight and a quarter miles 2 to the west border, alongside the portions, it will belong to the prince. The holy allotment and the sanctuary of the temple will be in the middle of it.
Yehezkiel 45:3-4
Konteks45:3 From this measured area you will measure a length of eight and a quarter miles 3 and a width of three and one-third miles; 4 in it will be the sanctuary, the most holy place. 45:4 It will be a holy portion of the land; it will be for the priests, the ministers of the sanctuary who approach the Lord to minister to him. It will be a place for their houses and a holy place for the sanctuary. 5

[48:21] 1 tn Heb “twenty-five thousand cubits” (i.e., 13.125 kilometers).
[48:21] 2 tn Heb “twenty-five thousand cubits” (i.e., 13.125 kilometers).
[45:3] 3 tn Heb “twenty-five thousand cubits” (i.e., 13.125 kilometers).
[45:3] 4 tn Heb “ten thousand cubits” (i.e., 5.25 kilometers).
[45:4] 5 tc The LXX apparently understood “open land” instead of “sanctuary.”