TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Yehezkiel 31:3-14

Asyur : a member of the nation of Assyria
(36° 21´, 43° 9´)

dunia orang mati : the place of the dead

Eden : a place near where the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers meet (NIVsn),son of Joah (Gershon Levi) in King Hezekiah's time,a district along the Euphrates River south of Haran (NIVsn)
(33° 31´, 36° 18´); (31° 51´, 35° 31´); (32° 35´, 35° 10´); (32° 12´, 35° 16´); (40° 3´, 45° 2´); (32° 42´, 35° 18´); (31° 51´, 35° 31´); (32° 1´, 35° 13´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´)

liang kubur : the place of the dead

Libanon : a mountain range and the adjoining regions (IBD)
(33° 45´, 35° 35´)

lobang kubur : the place of the dead

orang Asyur : a member of the nation of Assyria
(36° 21´, 43° 9´)

Siryon : a high mountain
(33° 45´, 35° 35´)

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