Wahyu 3:5
- To the Church in Sardis (Wahyu 3:1-6)
St. John, seven candles and seven churches
To the Church in Sardis
John writes to Sardis and Philadelphia
Wahyu 13:4
- The Man of Lawlessness (Matius 24:5;24:11;24:24; Markus 13:6;13:22; Lukas 21:8; 2 Tesalonika 2:3-12; 1 Yohanes 2:18;2:22; 2 Yohanes 1:7; Wahyu 13:1-10)
- The Two Beasts (Wahyu 13)
The Man of Lawlessness, Antichrist, and the Falshe Prophet are treated as the same character under the heading above. Since the legends of Antichrist usually exemplify the evil activities described in the Bible, some illustrations of these legends are registered with a connection to this biblical subject.
Antichrist and his mother, The
Bearing false witness
False Messiah, The
(41 Gambar)
Topik Terkait:
About the Ages to Come ;
Signs of the End of the Age ;
The Two Beasts
Nama Terkait:
Anti Kristus
Pasal Terkait:
Matius 24 ;
Markus 13 ;
Lukas 21 ;
2 Tesalonika 2 ;
1 Yohanes 2 ;
2 Yohanes 1 ;
Wahyu 13
Great red Dragon and the Beast from the sea: "And power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues"
Number of the Beast is 666, The
Sea monster and the beast with the lamb's horns, The
Beast from the sea, The
(54 Gambar)
Topik Terkait:
The Man of Lawlessness
Pasal Terkait:
Wahyu 13