Pengkhotbah 2:24
- Pleasures, Wisdom and Folly, Toil (Pengkhotbah 2)
Solomon searches life
Anything I wanted, I got
It is like chasing the wind
(3 Gambar)
Pasal Terkait:
Pengkhotbah 2
Pengkhotbah 4:8
- Oppression in the World (Pengkhotbah 4:1-8)
Better a handful with quietness, than both the hands full with travail and vexation of spirit
(1 Gambar)
Pasal Terkait:
Pengkhotbah 4
Pengkhotbah 5:8
- Riches Are Meaningless (Pengkhotbah 5:8-20)
Rich man, however, has so much that he stays awake worrying, A
(1 Gambar)
Pasal Terkait:
Pengkhotbah 5
Pengkhotbah 5:18
- Riches Are Meaningless (Pengkhotbah 5:8-20)
Rich man, however, has so much that he stays awake worrying, A
(1 Gambar)
Pasal Terkait:
Pengkhotbah 5