Pengkhotbah 10:1--12:14
Wisdom Better Than Folly (Pengkhotbah 9:13--10:20)
You Do Not Know Which Will Succeed (Pengkhotbah 11:1-6)
Remember Your Creator While Young! (Pengkhotbah 11:7--12:8)
A poor wise man, and he by his wisdom delivered the city
Better to listen to the quiet words of a wise man
I have seen slaves on horseback
When a man is too lazy to repair his roof
(4 Gambar)
Pasal Terkait:
Pengkhotbah 9 ;
Pengkhotbah 10
Da mihi bibere
End of earth, The
Man goeth to his long home
Rejoice in your youth

(5 Gambar)
Pasal Terkait:
Pengkhotbah 11 ;
Pengkhotbah 12