TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Mazmur 69:22-23


69:22 May their dining table become a trap before them!

May it be a snare for that group of friends! 1 

69:23 May their eyes be blinded! 2 

Make them shake violently! 3 

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[69:22]  1 tc Heb “and to the friends for a snare.” The plural of שָׁלוֹם (shalom, “peace”) is used in Ps 55:20 of one’s “friends.” If the reading of the MT is retained here, the term depicts the psalmist’s enemies as a close-knit group of friends who are bound together by their hatred for the psalmist. Some prefer to revocalize the text as וּלְשִׁלּוּמִים (ulÿshillumim, “and for retribution”). In this case the noun stands parallel to פַּח (pakh, “trap”) and מוֹקֵשׁ (moqesh, “snare”), and one might translate, “may their dining table become a trap before them, [a means of] retribution and a snare” (cf. NIV).

[69:23]  2 tn Heb “may their eyes be darkened from seeing.”

[69:23]  3 tn Heb “make their hips shake continually.”

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