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Psalms 145:1-8
[Psa 145:1] Before The Lord We Bow
Before the Lord we bow, the God Who reigns above,
And rules the world below, boundless in power and love.
Our thanks we bring in joy and praise, our hearts we raise
To Heaven’s high King.The nation Thou hast blest may well Thy love declare,
From foes and fears at rest, protected by Thy care.
For this fair land, for this bright day, our thanks we pay,
Gifts of Thy hand.May every mountain height, each vale and forest green,
Shine in Thy Word’s pure light, and its rich fruits be seen!
May every tongue be tuned to praise, and join to raise
A grateful song.Earth, hear thy Maker’s voice, thy great Redeemer own;
Believe, obey, rejoice, and worship Him alone.
Cast down thy pride, thy sin deplore and bow before
The Crucified.And when in power He comes, O may our native land,
From all its rending tombs, send forth a glorious band.
A countless throng, ever to sing to Heaven’s high King
Salvation’s song.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 145:1] God, My King, Thy Might Confessing
God, my King, Thy might confessing,
Ever will I bless Thy Name;
Day by day Thy throne addressing,
Still will I Thy praise proclaim.Honor great our God befitteth;
Who His majesty can reach?
Age to age His works transmitteth,
Age to age His power shall teach.They shall talk of all Thy glory,
On Thy might and greatness dwell,
Speak of Thy dread acts the story,
And Thy deeds of wonder tell.Nor shall fail from memory’s treasure
Works by love and mercy wrought;
Works of love surpassing measure,
Works of mercy passing thought.Full of kindness and compassion,
Slow to anger, vast in love,
God is good to all creation;
All His works His goodness prove.All Thy works, O Lord, shall bless Thee;
Thee shall all Thy saints adore:
King supreme shall they confess Thee,
And proclaim Thy sovereign power.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 145:1] I Will Extol Thee, O My God
I will extol Thee, O my God, and praise Thee, O my King;
Yea, every day and evermore Thy praises will I sing.
Great is the Lord, our mighty God, and greatly to be praised;
His greatness is unsearchable, above all glory raised.Each generation to the next shall testimony bear,
And to Thy praise, from age to age, Thy wondrous acts declare;
Upon Thy glorious majesty and honor I will dwell,
And all Thy grand and glorious works and all Thy greatness tell.Thy mighty acts and terrible shall men with awe confess;
Of Thy great goodness they shall sing, and perfect righteousness.
Most gracious and compassionate is God Who reigns above;
His wrath is ever slow to rise, unbounded is His love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 145:1] My God, My King, Thy Various Praise
My God, my King, Thy various praise
Shall fill the remnant of my days;
Thy grace employ my humble tongue
Till death and glory raise the song.The wings of every hour shall bear
Some thankful tribute to Thine ear;
And every setting sun shall see
New works of duty done for Thee.Thy truth and justice I’ll proclaim;
Thy bounty flows an endless stream;
Thy mercy swift, Thine anger slow,
But dreadful to the stubborn foe.Thy works with sovereign glory shine,
And speak Thy majesty divine;
Let us upon all shores proclaim
[originally, Let Britain round her shores proclaim]
The sound and honor of Thy Name.Let distant times and nations raise
The long succession of Thy praise,
And unborn ages make my song
The joy and labor of their tongue.But who can speak Thy wondrous deeds?
Thy greatness all our thoughts exceeds?
Vast and unsearchable Thy ways,
Vast and immortal be Thy praise!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 145:1] O Lord, Thou Art My God And King (1)
O Lord, Thou art my God and King,
And I will ever bless Thy Name.
I will extol Thee every day,
And evermore Thy praise proclaim.The Lord is greatly to be praised.
His greatness is beyond our thoughts.
From age to age the sons of men
Shall tell the wonders God has wrought.Upon Thy glorious majesty
And wondrous works my mind shall dwell.
Thy deeds fill all the world with awe,
And of Thy greatness I will tell.Thy matchless goodness and Thy grace
Thy people shall commemorate,
And all Thy truth and righteousness
My joyful song shall celebrate.The Lord our God is rich in grace,
Most tender and compassionate;
His anger is most slow to rise,
His lovingkindness is most great.The Lord is good in all His ways,
His creatures know His constant care;
To all His works His love extends,
All men His tender mercies share.Thy works shall give Thee thanks, O Lord,
Thy saints Thy mighty acts shall show,
Till o’er the earth the sons of men
Thy kingdom, power and glory know.Eternal is Thy kingdom, Lord,
Forever strong and ever sure;
While generations rise and die,
Shall Thy dominion still endure.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 145:1] O Lord, Thou Art My God And King (2)
O Lord, Thou art my God and King;
Thee will I magnify and praise:
I will Thee bless, and gladly sing
Unto Thy holy Name always.Each day I rise I will Thee bless,
And praise Thy Name time without end.
Much to be praised, and great God is;
His greatness none can comprehend.Race shall Thy works praise unto race,
The mighty acts show done by Thee.
I will speak of the glorious grace,
And honor of Thy majesty;Thy wondrous works I will record.
By men the might shall be extolled
Of all Thy dreadful acts, O Lord:
And I Thy greatness will unfold.They utter shall abundantly
The memory of Thy goodness great;
And shall sing praises cheerfully,
Whilst they Thy righteousness relate.The Lord our God is gracious,
Compassionate is He also;
In mercy He is plenteous,
But unto wrath and anger slow.Good unto all men is the Lord:
O’er all His works His mercy is.
Thy works all praise to Thee afford:
Thy saints, O Lord, Thy Name shall bless.The glory of Thy kingdom show
Shall they, and of Thy power tell:
That so men’s sons His deeds may know,
His kingdom’s grace that doth excel.Thy kingdom hath none end at all,
It doth through ages all remain.
The Lord upholdeth all that fall,
The cast-down raiseth up again.The eyes of all things, Lord, attend,
And on Thee wait that here do live,
And Thou, in season due, dost send
Sufficient food them to relieve.Yea, Thou Thine hand dost open wide,
And every thing dost satisfy
That lives, and doth on earth abide,
Of Thy great liberality.The Lord is just in His ways all,
And holy in His works each one.
He’s near to all that on Him call,
Who call in truth on Him alone.God will the just desire fulfill
Of such as do Him fear and dread:
Their cry regard, and hear He will,
And save them in the time of need.The Lord preserves all, more and less,
That bear to Him a loving heart:
But workers all of wickedness
Destroy will He, and clean subvert.Therefore my mouth and lips I’ll frame
To speak the praises of the Lord:
To magnify His holy Name
For ever let all flesh accord.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 145:1] Our Helper God, We Bless Thy Name
Our Helper, God, we bless Thy Name,
Whose love forever is the same;
The tokens of Whose gracious care
Begin and crown and close the year.Amid ten thousand snares we stand,
Supported by Thy guardian hand;
And see, when we review our ways,
Ten thousand monuments of praise.Thus far Thine arm has led us on;
Thus far we make Thy mercy known;
And while we tread this desert land,
New mercies shall new songs demand.Our grateful souls on Jordan’s shore
Shall raise one sacred pillar more,
Then bear, in Thy bright courts above,
Inscriptions of immortal love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 145:1] Savior, Again To Thy Dear Name
Savior, again to Thy dear Name we raise
With one accord our parting hymn of praise;
We stand to bless Thee ere our worship cease;
Then, lowly kneeling, wait Thy word of peace.Grant us Thy peace upon our homeward way;
With Thee began, with Thee shall end the day.
Guard thou the lips from sin, the hearts from shame,
That in this house have called upon Thy Name.Grant us Thy peace, through this approaching night;
Turn Thou for us its darkness into light;
From harm and danger keep Thy children free,
For dark and light are both alike to Thee.Grant us Thy peace—the peace Thou didst bestow
On Thine Apostles in Thine hour of woe;
The peace Thou broughtest, when at eventide
They saw Thy piercèd hands, Thy wounded side.Grant us Thy peace throughout our earthly life;
Peace to Thy church from error and from strife;
Peace to our land, the fruit of truth and love;
Peace in each heart, Thy Spirit from above.Thy peace in life, the balm of every pain;
Thy peace in death, the hope to rise again;
Then, when Thy voice shall bid our conflict cease,
Call us, O Lord, to Thine eternal peace.Father, once more before we part, we raise
With one accord our parting hymn of praise:
Once more we bless Thee, ere our songs shall cease,
Then, lowly kneeling, pray Thee for Thy peace.Grant us Thy peace, Lord, through the coming night,
Turn Thou for us its darkness into light.
From harm and danger, fear and shame kept free,
For dark and light are both alike to Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 145:1] We Will Exalt You, Our God The King
We will exalt you, our God the King;
For ever we will bless your name.
Your praises we will forever sing,
Each day we will extol your fame.The Lord is great and most worthy of praise;
His greatness no one can fully know.
Each age will tell of His wondrous ways
And to their children His glories show.The saints will speak of your majesty,
And I will ponder your awesome works.
They will rejoice in your charity,
And joyfully sing of your righteousness.The Lord is gracious and slow to wrath,
So full of mercy and rich in grace.
The Lord is good to all He has made,
And shows compassion in every place.All your creation will praise you, Lord;
Your saints will sing and declare your worth;
From joyful lips will your might be heard,
And kingdom glories throughout the earth.All your creation depends on you,
You feed them at their appointed time,
You, Lord, are righteous in all you do,
Let every creature exalt your Name.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 145:2] I Bless The Christ Of God
I bless the Christ of God, I rest on love divine,
And with unfaltering lip and heart, I call the Savior mine.
His cross dispels each doubt; I bury in His tomb
Each thought of unbelief and fear,
Each lingering shade of gloom.I praise the God of peace, I trust His truth and might;
He calls me His, I call Him mine, My God, my Joy, my Light.
In Him is only good, in me is only ill;
My ill but draws His goodness forth,
And me He loveth still.’Tis He Who saveth me, and freely pardon gives;
I love because He loveth me; I live because He lives;
My life with Him is hid, my death has passed away,
My clouds have melted into light,
My midnight into day.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 145:5] Glorious Majesty
Glorious Majesty, before Thee
We bow to worship and adore Thee;
With grateful hearts to Thee we sing,
Earth and heaven tell the story
Of Thine eternal might and glory,
And all Thy works their incense bring.
Lo, hosts of cherubim and countless seraphim
Sing hosanna, holy is God
Almighty God, all merciful and all wise God!God of light, exalted, holy!
Thy tender care protects the lowly,
Nor leaves Thy children to their fate.
Gracious art Thou, God our Father,
Thy chosen people Thou dost gather,
Within Thine arms compassionate,
Thou gavest us Thy Son, through whom Thy grace is won,
And Thy Spirit dwelleth within to cleanse from sin
Whom Thine own Son hath died to win.Bless and keep, O Lord, Thy creatures,
Reveal to us Thy gracious features,
O turn to us Thy face with peace
Here our songs we humbly tender,
Til glorified our tongues shall render
To Thee our praise without surcease,
Where hosts of cherubim and countless seraphim
Sing holy is God, almighty God,
All merciful and all wise God!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 145:7] Sweet Is The Memory Of Thy Grace
Sweet is the memory of Thy grace,
My God, my heav’nly King;
Let age to age Thy righteousness
In sounds of glory sing.God reigns on high, but not confines
His goodness to the skies;
Through the whole earth His bounty shines,
And every want supplies.With longing eyes Thy creatures wait
On Thee for daily food;
Thy liberal hand provides their meat,
And fills their mouths with good.How kind are Thy compassions, Lord!
How slow Thine anger moves!
But soon He sends His pardoning word
To cheer the souls He loves.Creatures with all their endless race
Thy power and praise proclaim;
But saints that taste Thy richer grace
Delight to bless Thy Name.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 145:8] The Greatness Of His Mercy
When in Jesus we believe, and His pardon we receive,
What a comfort to the soul the promise brings;
That the weary and oppressed, when they come to Him for rest,
He will cover with the shadow of His wings.Refrain
O sing the greatness of His mercy,
Unto those that seek Him ever full and free;
O sing, while angels join the chorus,
Rolling onward like the sea.When in Jesus we abide, and by faith are justified,
We have peace with God the Father through His Name;
And the joy that fills the heart, though its earthly hopes depart,
Through His all atoning merit we may claim.Refrain
When in Jesus we are one we can say, His will be done,
We can trust Him where perhaps we cannot trace;
For he keeps us by His power, every moment, every hour,
And we feel the sweet refreshing of His grace.Refrain
Oh, the whispers of His love, how they cheer us from above,
While they tell of yonder mansions bright and fair;
Where, beyond the swelling tide, we shall anchor at His side,
And be gathered with the saints in glory there.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 145:8] The Pilgrim’s Journey
Slow to anger, full of kindness,
Rich in mercy, Lord, Thou art,
Wash me in Thy healing fountain,
Take away my sinful heart.Refrain
I would go the pilgrim’s journey,
Onward to the promised land;
I would reach the golden city,
There to join the angel band.Thou wilt never, never leave me,
If I give myself to Thee,
Teach, O teach me how to praise Thee,
Tell me what my life should be.Refrain
May Thy ever gracious spirit,
Lead me in the way of truth,
May I learn the voice of wisdom,
In the early days of youth.Refrain
O! how sweet to rest confiding,
On Thy Word that cannot fail,
Strong in Thee, whate’er my trials,
Through Thy grace I must prevail.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
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