Matius 28:19-20
- The Great Commission (Matius 28:16-20; Markus 16:15-18; Lukas 24:44-49; Yohanes 20:21-23)
- Going to All People (Matius 28:18-20; Markus 16:15-18;16:20; Lukas 24:44-49; Yohanes 20:21-23)
Christ's appearence on the mountain
Great commission to the twelve, The
Great commission, The
I am with you always
(13 Gambar)
Topik Terkait:
Appearing to the Eleven ;
Going to All People
Pasal Terkait:
Matius 28 ;
Markus 16 ;
Lukas 24 ;
Yohanes 20
Sower, The
Father's promise
I am with you always
Outreach of the new covenant
(8 Gambar)
Topik Terkait:
Appearing to the Eleven ;
The Great Commission
Pasal Terkait:
Matius 28 ;
Markus 16 ;
Lukas 24 ;
Yohanes 20