TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Kisah Para Rasul 17:26

17:26 From one man 1  he made every nation of the human race 2  to inhabit the entire earth, 3  determining their set times 4  and the fixed limits of the places where they would live, 5 

Kisah Para Rasul 22:30

Paul Before the Sanhedrin

22:30 The next day, because the commanding officer 6  wanted to know the true reason 7  Paul 8  was being accused by the Jews, he released him and ordered the chief priests and the whole council 9  to assemble. He then brought 10  Paul down and had him stand before them.

Kisah Para Rasul 26:31

26:31 and as they were leaving they said to one another, 11  “This man is not doing anything deserving 12  death or imprisonment.”
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[17:26]  1 sn The one man refers to Adam (the word “man” is understood).

[17:26]  2 tn Or “mankind.” BDAG 276 s.v. ἔθνος 1 has “every nation of humankind Ac 17:26.”

[17:26]  3 tn Grk “to live over all the face of the earth.”

[17:26]  4 tn BDAG 884-85 s.v. προστάσσω has “(οἱ) προστεταγμένοι καιροί (the) fixed times Ac 17:26” here, but since the following phrase is also translated “fixed limits,” this would seem redundant in English, so the word “set” has been used instead.

[17:26]  5 tn Grk “the boundaries of their habitation.” L&N 80.5 has “fixed limits of the places where they would live” for this phrase.

[22:30]  6 tn Grk “he”; the referent (the commanding officer) has been supplied here in the translation for clarity.

[22:30]  7 tn Grk “the certainty, why.” BDAG 147 s.v. ἀσφαλής 2 has “τὸ ἀ. the certainty = the truth (in ref. to ferreting out the facts…ἵνα τὸ ἀ. ἐπιγνῶ) γνῶναι 21:34; 22:30.”

[22:30]  8 tn Grk “he”; the referent (Paul) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[22:30]  9 tn Grk “the whole Sanhedrin” (the Sanhedrin was the highest legal, legislative, and judicial body among the Jews).

[22:30]  10 tn Grk “and bringing.” The participle καταγαγών (katagagwn) has been translated as a finite verb due to requirements of contemporary English style. Because of the length and complexity of the Greek sentence, a new sentence was begun in the translation, and καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to clarify the logical sequence.

[26:31]  11 tn Grk “they spoke to one another saying.” The participle λέγοντες (legontes) is redundant in English and has not been translated.

[26:31]  12 tn BDAG 93 s.v. ἄξιος 1.b has “θανάτου ἢ δεσμῶν ἄ. nothing deserving death or imprisonment 23:29; 26:31.”

[26:31]  sn Not doing anything deserving death… Here is yet another declaration of Paul’s innocence, but still no release. The portrayal shows how unjust Paul’s confinement was.

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