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Himne Indonesia
Mazmur 43:4
Kidung Jemaat
- Harap Akan Tuhan [KJ.445]
Mzm 42-43; Mzm 46
1. Harap akan Tuhan, hai jiwaku! Dia perlindungan dalam susahmu. Jangan resah, tabah berserah, kar'na habis malam pagi merekah. Dalam derita dan kemelut Tuhan yang setia, Penolongmu!
2. Harap akan Tuhan, hai jiwaku! Dia perlindungan dalam susahmu. Walau sendu, hatimu remuk, Tuhan mengatasi tiap kemelut. Ya Tuhan, tolong 'ku yang lemah: setiaMu kokoh selamanya!
3. Harap akan Tuhan, hai jiwaku! Dia perlindungan dalam susahmu. Jalan sedih nanti berhenti; Yesus memberikan hidup abadi. Habis derita di dunia, purna sukacita. Haleluya!
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Habakuk 3:18
Kidung Jemaat
- Sayur Kubis Jatuh Harga [KJ.333]
1. Sayur kubis jatuh harga, pohon tomat kena hama, cengkeh pun tidak berbunga dan jualanku tidak laku, butir padi tak berisi, sampar ayam pun berjangkit, hewan ternak sudah habis, kar'na terpaksa aku jual. Namun aku puji Tuhan dan bersorak sukaria kar'na Dia Pohon s'lamatku! KepadaNya 'ku percaya, aku tidak akan jatuh: Tuhan Allah kekuatanku.
Hab 3:17-19
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Himne Inggris
Mazmur 37:4
[Mzm 37:4] O Lord, I Will Delight In Thee
O Lord, I will delight in Thee And on Thy care depend, To Thee in every trouble flee, My best, my only Friend. When all created streams are dried, Thy fullness is the same; May I with this be satisfied And glory in Thy Name. No good in creatures can be found But may be found in Thee; I must have all things and abound While God is God to me. O Lord, I cast my care on Thee, I triumph and adore; Henceforth my great concern shall be To love and please Thee more. |
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source: Cyberhymnal |
Mazmur 43:4
[Mzm 43:4] Awake, My Soul! To Sound His Praise
Awake, my soul! to sound His praise, Awake my harp to sing; Join, all my pow’rs the song to raise, And morning incense bring. Among the people of his care, And thro’ the nations round, Glad sons of praise will I prepare, And there his name resound. Be Thou exalted, O my God! Above the starry train; Diffuse Thy heav’nly grace abroad, And teach the world Thy reign. So shall Thy chosen sons rejoice, And throng Thy courts above; While sinners hear Thy pard’ning voice, And taste redeeming love. |
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source: Cyberhymnal |