TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Filipi 2:10


2:10 so that at the name of Jesus

every knee will bow

– in heaven and on earth and under the earth –

Filipi 1:9-10

1:9 And I pray this, that your love may abound even more and more in knowledge and every kind of insight 1:10 so that you can decide what is best, and thus be sincere and blameless for the day of Christ,

Filipi 1:26

1:26 so that what you can be proud of may increase 1  because of me in Christ Jesus, when I come back to you. 2 

Filipi 2:19

Models for Ministry

2:19 Now I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon, so that I too may be encouraged by hearing news about you.

Filipi 2:28

2:28 Therefore I am all the more eager to send him, 3  so that when you see him again you can rejoice 4  and I can be free from anxiety.

Filipi 2:2

2:2 complete my joy and be of the same mind, 5  by having the same love, being united in spirit, 6  and having one purpose.

Filipi 2:15

2:15 so that you may be blameless and pure, children of God without blemish though you live in a crooked and perverse society, in which you shine as lights in the world 7 

Filipi 2:27

2:27 In fact he became so ill that he nearly died. 8  But God showed mercy to him – and not to him only, but also to me – so that I would not have grief on top of grief.

Filipi 2:30

2:30 since it was because of the work of Christ that he almost died. He risked his life so that he could make up for your inability to serve me. 9 

Filipi 1:27


1:27 Only conduct yourselves 10  in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ so that – whether I come and see you or whether I remain absent – I should hear that 11  you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind, by contending side by side for the faith of the gospel, 12 

Filipi 3:8

3:8 More than that, I now regard all things as liabilities compared to the far greater value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things – indeed, I regard them as dung! 13  – that I may gain Christ,
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[1:26]  1 tn Grk “your boasting may overflow in Christ Jesus because of me,” or possibly, “your boasting in me may overflow in Christ Jesus.” BDAG 536 s.v. καύχημα 1 translates the phrase τὸ καύχημα ὑμῶν (to kauchma jJumwn) in Phil 1:26 as “what you can be proud of.”

[1:26]  2 tn Grk “through my coming again to you.”

[2:28]  3 tn Grk “I have sent him to you with earnestness.” But the epistolary aorist needs to be translated as a present tense with this adverb due to English stylistic considerations.

[2:28]  4 tn Or “when you see him you can rejoice again.”

[2:2]  5 tn Or “and feel the same way,” “and think the same thoughts.” The ἵνα (Jina) clause has been translated “and be of the same mind” to reflect its epexegetical force to the imperative “complete my joy.”

[2:2]  6 tn The Greek word here is σύμψυχοι (sumyucoi, literally “fellow souled”).

[2:15]  7 tn Or “as stars in the universe.”

[2:27]  8 tn Grk “For he became ill to the point of death.”

[2:30]  9 tn Grk “make up for your lack of service to me.”

[1:27]  10 tn Grk “live as citizens.” The verb πολιτεύεσθε (politeuesqe) connotes the life of a freeman in a free Roman colony.

[1:27]  sn Conduct yourselves (Grk “live your lives as citizens”). The Philippians lived in a free Roman city, and thus understood from their own experience what it meant to live as citizens. Paul is here picking up on that motif and elevating it to the citizenship of heaven. Cf. 3:20 (our citizenship is in heaven).

[1:27]  11 tn Grk “the things concerning you, [namely,] that.” The ὅτι (Joti) clause is appositional to τὰ περὶ ὑμῶν (ta peri Jumwn) and therefore “the things concerning you” was not translated.

[1:27]  12 tn The phrase “the faith of the gospel” could mean one of three things: “the faith that is the gospel” (genitive of apposition), “the faith that originates from the gospel” (genitive of source), or “faith in the gospel” (objective genitive).

[3:8]  13 tn The word here translated “dung” was often used in Greek as a vulgar term for fecal matter. As such it would most likely have had a certain shock value for the readers. This may well be Paul’s meaning here, especially since the context is about what the flesh produces.

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