TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Bilangan 4:22

Bani Gerson : the clan of Gershom/Gershon of the tribe of Levi

Gerson : son of Levi; founder of the clan of Gershon/Gershom,the clan of Gershom/Gershon of the tribe of Levi

kaum-kaum bani Gerson : the clan of Gershom/Gershon of the tribe of Levi

kaum-kaum Gerson : the clan of Gershom/Gershon of the tribe of Levi

keturunan Gerson : the clan of Gershom/Gershon of the tribe of Levi

Keturunan Gerson : the clan of Gershom/Gershon of the tribe of Levi

orang Gerson : the clan of Gershom/Gershon of the tribe of Levi

Pemimpin puak Gerson : the clan of Gershom/Gershon of the tribe of Levi

Bilangan 29:12

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