TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Bilangan 33:49

bani Moab : resident(s) of the country of Moab
(31° 29´, 35° 46´)

Bet-Yesimot : a town of Moab near the mouth of the Jordan River
(31° 46´, 35° 35´)

Habel : the second son of Adam and Eve; the brother of Cain,an English name representing two different Hebrew names,as representing the Hebrew name 'Hebel' or 'Habel',the second son of Adam,as representing the Hebrew name 'Abel',a town in northern Israel near Dan (OS)
(32° 1´, 35° 49´); (33° 16´, 35° 34´)

Moab : resident(s) of the country of Moab
(31° 29´, 35° 46´)

orang dari Moab : resident(s) of the country of Moab
(31° 29´, 35° 46´)

orang Moab : resident(s) of the country of Moab
(31° 29´, 35° 46´)

orang-orang Moab : resident(s) of the country of Moab
(31° 29´, 35° 46´)

perempuan Moab : a female descendant of Moab
(31° 29´, 35° 46´)

perempuan-perempuan Moab : resident(s) of the country of Moab
(31° 29´, 35° 46´)

seorang Moab : resident(s) of the country of Moab
(31° 29´, 35° 46´)

Yordan : the river that flows from Lake Galilee to the Dead Sea,a river that begins at Mt. Hermon, flows south through Lake Galilee and on to its end at the Dead Sea 175 km away (by air)
(32° 18´, 35° 33´)

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