TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Bilangan 21:15

Ar : a town of Moab
(31° 26´, 35° 35´)

bani Moab : resident(s) of the country of Moab
(31° 29´, 35° 46´)

Moab : resident(s) of the country of Moab
(31° 29´, 35° 46´)

orang dari Moab : resident(s) of the country of Moab
(31° 29´, 35° 46´)

orang Moab : resident(s) of the country of Moab
(31° 29´, 35° 46´)

orang-orang Moab : resident(s) of the country of Moab
(31° 29´, 35° 46´)

perempuan Moab : a female descendant of Moab
(31° 29´, 35° 46´)

perempuan-perempuan Moab : resident(s) of the country of Moab
(31° 29´, 35° 46´)

seorang Moab : resident(s) of the country of Moab
(31° 29´, 35° 46´)

Bilangan 35:3

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