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Himne Indonesia
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Himne Inggris
Amsal 4:14-19
[Ams 4:14] No Compromise
No compromise with evil shall be our battle cry, For God and right must conquer, and sin and wrong must die; Unflinching we are standing, uncompromisingly, Beneath the flag of holiness forever we will be. Refrain No compromise, no compromise, This shall be our battle cry, For God and right we will boldly fight, We will keep the standard high. No compromise with error, for Bible truth we stand, Let none remove the landmarks erected by God’s hand. With loyalty our watchword and faith in Christ our stay, We’ll bravely storm the forts of sin and thro’ Him win the day. Refrain No compromise with worldliness, no yielding to the wrong, No lowering the standard that’s stood thro’ ages long; With Jesus as our Leader, His Spirit as our Guide, We’ll firmly stand for righteousness whatever may betide. Refrain |
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source: Cyberhymnal |