TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

3 Yohanes 1:1-14

Demetrius : a man who was a silversmith in Ephesus and who opposed Paul,a man who was well spoken of by John

Diotrefes : a Christian man who loved to be pre-eminent

Gayus : a man or men who were involved with the apostles Paul and John

wilayah bangsa-bangsa lain : a non-Jewish person

3 Yohanes 1:3-4

Tidak ada Nama yang terkait dengan ayat-ayat ini.

3 Yohanes 1:12

Demetrius : a man who was a silversmith in Ephesus and who opposed Paul,a man who was well spoken of by John

TIP #23: Gunakan Studi Kamus dengan menggunakan indeks kata atau kotak pencarian. [SEMUA]
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