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Mazmur 95:1-11

Psalm 95 1 

95:1 Come! Let’s sing for joy to the Lord!

Let’s shout out praises to our protector who delivers us! 2 

95:2 Let’s enter his presence 3  with thanksgiving!

Let’s shout out to him in celebration! 4 

95:3 For the Lord is a great God,

a great king who is superior to 5  all gods.

95:4 The depths of the earth are in his hand, 6 

and the mountain peaks belong to him.

95:5 The sea is his, for he made it.

His hands formed the dry land.

95:6 Come! Let’s bow down and worship! 7 

Let’s kneel before the Lord, our creator!

95:7 For he is our God;

we are the people of his pasture,

the sheep he owns. 8 

Today, if only you would obey him! 9 

95:8 He says, 10  “Do not be stubborn like they were at Meribah, 11 

like they were that day at Massah 12  in the wilderness, 13 

95:9 where your ancestors challenged my authority, 14 

and tried my patience, even though they had seen my work.

95:10 For forty years I was continually disgusted 15  with that generation,

and I said, ‘These people desire to go astray; 16 

they do not obey my commands.’ 17 

95:11 So I made a vow in my anger,

‘They will never enter into the resting place I had set aside for them.’” 18 

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[95:1]  1 sn Psalm 95. The psalmist summons Israel to praise God as the creator of the world and the nation’s protector, but he also reminds the people not to rebel against God.

[95:1]  2 tn Heb “to the rocky summit of our deliverance.”

[95:2]  3 tn Heb “meet his face.”

[95:2]  4 tn Heb “with songs of joy.”

[95:3]  5 tn Heb “above.”

[95:4]  6 tn The phrase “in his hand” means within the sphere of his authority.

[95:6]  7 tn Heb “kneel down.”

[95:7]  8 tn Heb “of his hand.”

[95:7]  9 tn Heb “if only you would listen to his voice.” The Hebrew particle אִם (’im, “if”) and following prefixed verbal form here express a wish (cf. Ps 81:8). Note that the apodosis (the “then” clause of the conditional sentence) is suppressed.

[95:8]  10 tn The words “he says” are supplied in the translation to clarify that the following words are spoken by the Lord (see vv. 9-11).

[95:8]  11 sn The name Meribah means “strife.” Two separate but similar incidents at Meribah are recorded in the Pentateuch (Exod 17:1-7; Num 20:1-13, see also Pss 81:7; 106:32). In both cases the Israelites complained about lack of water and the Lord miraculously provided for them.

[95:8]  12 sn The name Massah means “testing.” This was another name (along with Meribah) given to the place where Israel complained following the Red Sea Crossing (see Exod 17:1-7, as well as Deut 6:16; 9:22; 33:8).

[95:8]  13 tn Heb “do not harden your heart[s] as [at] Meribah, as [in] the day of Massah in the wilderness.”

[95:9]  14 tn Heb “where your fathers tested me.”

[95:10]  15 tn The prefixed verbal form is either a preterite or an imperfect. If the latter, it emphasizes the ongoing nature of the condition in the past. The translation reflects this interpretation of the verbal form.

[95:10]  16 tn Heb “a people, wanderers of heart [are] they.”

[95:10]  17 tn Heb “and they do not know my ways.” In this context the Lord’s “ways” are his commands, viewed as a pathway from which his people, likened to wayward sheep (see v. 7), wander.

[95:11]  18 tn Heb “my resting place.” The promised land of Canaan is here viewed metaphorically as a place of rest for God’s people, who are compared to sheep (see v. 7).

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