Jumlah dalam TB : 3 dalam 3 ayat
(dalam NT: 3 dalam 3 ayat)
Keluarga Kata untuk frasa "golongan Farisi" dalam TB (0/3) : golongan Farisi (0x/3x);
Greek : <3313 5330> 1x; <139 5330> 1x; <5330> 1x;
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YUNANI [Sebagai Frasa]

Strong# / Frek.Definisi & Terjemahan
<5330> 3 (dari 98)
farisaiov Pharisaios
Definisi : --n m (noun masculine)-- 1) A sect that seems to have started after the Jewish exile. In addition to OT books the Pharisees recognised in oral tradition a standard of belief and life. They sought for distinction and praise by outward observance of external rites and by outward forms of piety, and such as ceremonial washings, fastings, prayers, and alms giving; and, comparatively negligent of genuine piety, they prided themselves on their fancied good works. They held strenuously to a belief in the existence of good and evil angels, and to the expectation of a Messiah; and they cherished the hope that the dead, after a preliminary experience either of reward or of penalty in Hades, would be recalled to life by him, and be requited each according to his individual deeds. In opposition to the usurped dominion of the Herods and the rule of the Romans, they stoutly upheld the theocracy and their country's cause, and possessed great influence with the common people. According to Josephus they numbered more than 6000. They were bitter enemies of Jesus and his cause; and were in turn severely rebuked by him for their avarice, ambition, hollow reliance on outward works, and affection of piety in order to gain popularity.
<3313> 1 (dari 42)
merov meros
Definisi : --n n (noun neuter)-- 1) a part 1a) a part due or assigned to one 1b) lot, destiny 2) one of the constituent parts of a whole 2a) in part, partly, in a measure, to some degree, as respects a part, severally, individually 2b) any particular, in regard to this, in this respect
<139> 1 (dari 9)
airesiv hairesis
Definisi : --n f (noun feminime)-- 1) act of taking, capture: e.g. storming a city 2) choosing, choice 3) that which is chosen 4) a body of men following their own tenets (sect or party) 4a) of the Sadducees 4b) of the Pharisees 4c) of the Christians 5) dissensions arising from diversity of opinions and aims Sinonim : Lihat Definisi 5916

Konkordansi PB [Sebagai Frasa]

farisaiwn <5330> Mrk 2:16 ... waktu ahli-ahli Taurat dari golongan Farisi melihat, bahwa Ia makan ...
airesewv farisaiwn <139 5330> Kis 15:5 Tetapi beberapa orang dari golongan Farisi , yang telah menjadi percaya, ...
merouv farisaiwn <3313 5330> Kis 23:9 ... Beberapa ahli Taurat dari golongan Farisi tampil ke depan dan membantah ...

TIP #14: Gunakan Boks Temuan untuk melakukan penyelidikan lebih jauh terhadap kata dan ayat yang Anda cari. [SEMUA]
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