TELAH NYATA [Sebagai Frasa]
Jumlah dalam TB : 5 dalam 5 ayat
(dalam OT: 1 dalam 1 ayat) (dalam NT: 4 dalam 4 ayat) |
Keluarga Kata untuk frasa "Telah nyata" dalam TB (1/6) :
Telah nyata (1x/0x);
telah nyata (0x/4x);
telah ternyata (0x/2x);
Hebrew :
<05172> 1x;
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IBRANI [Sebagai Frasa]
Strong# / Frek. | Definisi & Terjemahan |
<05172> 1 (dari 11)
vxn nachash
Definisi : --v (verb)-- 1) to practice divination, divine, observe signs, learn by experience,
diligently observe, practice fortunetelling, take as an omen
1a) (Piel)
1a1) to practice divination
1a2) to observe the signs or omens
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YUNANI [Sebagai Frasa]
Strong# / Frek. | Definisi & Terjemahan |
<1110> 1 (dari 15)
gnwstov gnostos
Definisi : --adj
(adjective)-- 1) known, notable
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<2147> 1 (dari 175)
euriskw heurisko
Definisi : --v
(verb)-- 1) to come upon, hit upon, to meet with
1a) after searching, to find a thing sought
1b) without previous search, to find (by chance), to fall in with
1c) those who come or return to a place
2) to find by enquiry, thought, examination, scrutiny,
observation, to find out by practice and experience
2a) to see, learn, discover, understand
2b) to be found i.e. to be seen, be present
2c) to be discovered, recognised, detected, to show one's self out,
of one's character or state as found out by others (men, God,
or both)
2d) to get knowledge of, come to know, God
3) to find out for one's self, to acquire, get, obtain, procure
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<5318> 1 (dari 18)
fanerov phaneros
Definisi : --adj
(adjective)-- 1) apparent, manifest, evident, known
2) manifest i.e to be plainly recognised or known
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<5319> 1 (dari 49)
fanerow phaneroo
Definisi : --v
(verb)-- 1) to make manifest or visible or known what has been hidden or unknown,
to manifest, whether by words, or deeds, or in any other way
1a) make actual and visible, realised
1b) to make known by teaching
1c) to become manifest, be made known
1d) of a person
1d1) expose to view, make manifest, to show one's self, appear
1e) to become known, to be plainly recognised, thoroughly understood
1e1) who and what one is
Sinonim : Lihat Definisi
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Konkordansi PL [Sebagai Frasa]
Konkordansi PB [Sebagai Frasa]
gnwston | <1110> | Kis 4:16 | ... orang-orang ini? Sebab | telah nyata | kepada semua penduduk ... |
eurontev | <2147> | Kis 24:5 | Telah nyata | kepada kami, bahwa orang ini ... | |
fanera | <5318> | Gal 5:19 | Perbuatan daging | telah nyata | , yaitu: percabulan, kecemaran, ... |
efanerwyhsan | <5319> | Why 15:4 | ... sujud menyembah Engkau, sebab | telah nyata | kebenaran segala ... |