Lihat definisi kata "Reputation" dalam Studi Kata
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NAVE: Reputation


Reputation [nave]

Prov. 22:1; Eccl. 7:1.
See: Character; Name.


REPUTATION - rep-u-ta'-shun: the King James Version uses "reputation" where modern English would use "repute," as connoting prominence rather than moral character. Hence, the Revised Version's change to "repute" in Gal 2:2 (for dokeo, "seem," perhaps with a slightly sarcastic touch). The Revised Version's alteration of "reputation" into "have in honor" (Acts 5:34; Phil 2:29) is to secure uniformity of translation for the derivatives of time, "honor," but the Revised Version (British and American) retains "reputation" in Susanna, verse 64. The King James Version's "made himself of no reputation" in Phil 2:7 is a gloss. See KENOSIS. On Eccl 10:1 see the commentaries.

Lihat definisi kata "Reputation" dalam Studi Kata

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