: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
5399 | 54 | 540 | 5400 | 5401 | 5403 | 5406 | 5407 | 5408 | 5409 | 541


negeri pohon palem. Kis 21:2
NETBible Maps:
Indo10 H4
Indo4 B3
Indo5 C1
Indo8 C1

Peta Google: Fenisia (33° 33´, 35° 21´);
OpenBible: (Flickr/Panoramio) Fenisia


Strongs #4949: surofoinissa Surophoinissa

Syrophenician = "exalted palm"

1) the name of a mixed nation, half Phoenicians and half Syrians

4949 Surophoinissa soo-rof-oy'-nis-sah

feminine of a compound of 4948 and the same as 5403; a Syro-phoenician woman, i.e. a female native of Phoenicia in Syria: KJV -- Syrophenician.
see GREEK for 4948
see GREEK for 5403

Strongs #5403: foinikh Phoinike

Phenicia = "land of palm trees"

1) a territory of the province of Syria, situated on the coast of the
Mediterranean between the river Eleutherus and the promontory of
Carmel, some 30 miles (50 km) long and 3 (5 km) broad

5403 Phoinike foy-nee'-kay

from 5404; palm-country; Phoenice (or Phoenicia), a region of Palestine: KJV -- Phenice, Phenicia.
see GREEK for 5404


Strongs #4949:

hv [feminin] wanita Siro-Fenesia

Strongs #5403:

hv [feminin] Fenisia

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