Lihat definisi kata "Yerusalem" dalam Studi Kamus Alkitab
- The Fall of Jerusalem (2 Raja-raja 24:20--25:21; 2 Tawarikh 36:11-21; Yeremia 39:1-14;52:3-30)
- Jerusalem Is Saved from Sennacherib (2 Raja-raja 18:13--19:36; 2 Tawarikh 32:1-21; Yesaya 36:1--37:37)
- Fleeing from Jerusalem (2 Samuel 15:13-37)
- Ezra Comes to Jerusalem (Ezra 7)
- Psalms 122: Peace for Jerusalem (Mazmur 122)
- Lamenting Jerusalem (Matius 23:37-39; Lukas 13:34)
- Up to Jerusalem (Matius 21:1; Markus 11:1; Lukas 19:28; Yohanes 2:13;5:1;7:2-13;12:12)
- Weeping over Jerusalem (Lukas 19:41-44)
- Absalom Returns to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 14)
- The Dedication of the Wall of Jerusalem (Nehemia 12:27-47)
- Conquering Jerusalem (2 Samuel 5:6-16; 1 Tawarikh 11:4-8)
- The Siege of Jerusalem Symbolized (Yehezkiel 4)
- Psalms 147: Extol the Lord, O Jerusalem (Mazmur 147)
- Artaxerxes Sends Nehemiah to Jerusalem (Nehemia 2:1-10)
- David Returns to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 19:8-43)
- Capturing Jerusalem
- Christ Addressing the Daughters of Jerusalem (Lukas 23:28-31)
- Returning to Jerusalem (Kisah Para Rasul 1:12-14)
- On to Jerusalem (Kisah Para Rasul 21:1-16)
- The Council at Jerusalem (Kisah Para Rasul 15:1-35)
- Jerusalem's Fall Explained (Yehezkiel 33:21-33)
- Jerusalem under Siege (Yeremia 6)
- The Lord Will Do Good to Jerusalem (Zakharia 8)
- Jerusalem's Enemies to Be Destroyed (Zakharia 12)
Jerusalem burnt by Nebuzaradan
Nebuchadnezzar besieges Jerusalem
Nebuzaradan carries into exile the remaining people in the city
Capture of Jerusalem
(40 Gambar)
Pasal Terkait:
2 Raja-raja 24 ;
2 Raja-raja 25 ;
2 Tawarikh 36 ;
Yeremia 39 ;
Yeremia 52
Angel of the Lord slays the Assyrian army, The
Destruction of the army of Sennacherib
God delivers Hezekiah and Jerusalem by sending an angel
Angel of the Lord decimates the Assyrian camp of king Sennacherib, The
(26 Gambar)
Nama Terkait:
Pasal Terkait:
2 Raja-raja 18 ;
2 Raja-raja 19 ;
2 Tawarikh 32 ;
Yesaya 36 ;
Yesaya 37
David ascending Mount of Olives
All the people passed over Kidron
Ark of God carried into the temple, The
Hushai, in rent clothes, offers his services to David
(9 Gambar)
Pasal Terkait:
2 Samuel 15
Artaxerxes granting liberty to the Jews
Ezra returns to Jerusalem
Ezra thanks God for his help
I have been able to persuade many ... to return with me
Christ lamenting over Jerusalem
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Jesus's sorrow for Jerusalem
Christ and Jerusalem
Jerusalem from the hill Scopus, on the north
Jesus goes up to Jerusalem
Jesus does not go up to the feast; the Jews question about him
(3 Gambar)
Pasal Terkait:
Matius 21 ;
Markus 11 ;
Lukas 19 ;
Yohanes 2 ;
Yohanes 5 ;
Yohanes 7 ;
Yohanes 12
And when he was come near he beheld the city and wept over it
He beheld the city, and wept over it
Weeping over Jerusalem
Jesus comes within view of Jerusalem
(4 Gambar)
Pasal Terkait:
Lukas 19
David pardoning Absalom *
David and Absalom
David and Absalom
And the king kissed Absalom
(15 Gambar)
Nama Terkait:
Pasal Terkait:
2 Samuel 14
Ceremonial dedication of the walls of Jerusalem, The
Nehemiah dedicates the walls of Jerusalem
Procession on the walls of Jerusalem, The *
Dedication of the wall of Jerusalem
(5 Gambar)
Pasal Terkait:
Nehemia 12
Entry of David into Jerusalem
David besieges Jerusalem
(2 Gambar)
Pasal Terkait:
2 Samuel 5 ;
1 Tawarikh 11
Iron pan
Prophet Ezekiel cuts off his hair and beard and burns it, The
Ezekiel's siege of Jerusalem
Ezekiel and the brick
(6 Gambar)
Pasal Terkait:
Yehezkiel 4
Psalm 147
Lord brings the wicked even down to the ground, The
Who sends forth his speech to the earth
(3 Gambar)
Nama Terkait:
Pasal Terkait:
Mazmur 147
Nehemiah gives wine to Artaxerxes
Nehemiah gives wine to Artaxerxes
Nehemiah gives wine to Artaxerxes
Nehemiah gives wine to Artaxerxes
David forgives Shimei
It's enough for me that Your Majesty has come home safely
(2 Gambar)
Nama Terkait:
Pasal Terkait:
2 Samuel 19
Christ bears the cross
Jesus carrying the cross
Women weep, The
Bearing of the cross
Agabus's prophesie concerning Paul
Agabus's prophesie concerning Paul
Knelt down on the beach and prayed *
(5 Gambar)
Pasal Terkait:
Kisah Para Rasul 21
They listen to all your words and don't obey a single one of them
(1 Gambar)
Pasal Terkait:
Yehezkiel 33
Return to Zion, dwelling in Jerusalem
Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you
There shall yet old men and old women dwell in the streets of Jerusalem
May you receive the same blessings that came to Judah and Israel
(4 Gambar)
Nama Terkait:
Pasal Terkait:
Zakharia 8
One who was pierced
Land shall mourn, every family apart, The
(2 Gambar)
Pasal Terkait:
Zakharia 12
Lihat definisi kata "Yerusalem" dalam Studi Kamus Alkitab
Yerusalem: dialaskan dengan sejahtera, kota damai. Yos 10:1.