Lihat definisi kata "Salomo" dalam Studi Kamus Alkitab
David Appoints Solomon (1 Raja-raja 1:11-31)
Solomon Becomes King (1 Raja-raja 1:32-53; 1 Tawarikh 29:21-28)
The Judgment of Solomon (1 Raja-raja 3:16-28)
Solomon's Wives (1 Raja-raja 11:1-13)
Other Portraits of Solomon
In Solomon's Colonnade (Yohanes 10:23-39)
Solomon's Dream at Gibeon (1 Raja-raja 3:4-15; 2 Tawarikh 1:3-13)
Solomon's Splendour, Wealth, and Wisdom (1 Raja-raja 4:20-34;10:14-29; 2 Tawarikh 9:13-28)
Solomon to Build the Temple (1 Tawarikh 22:2-19)
Jeroboam Rebels against Solomon (1 Raja-raja 11:26-40)
David's Charge to Solomon (1 Raja-raja 2:1-9)
Solomon Completing His Work (1 Raja-raja 9:10-28; 2 Tawarikh 8)
The Death of Solomon (1 Raja-raja 11:43; 2 Tawarikh 9:31)
As a Teacher
The Queen of Sheba and Solomon, and the True Cross
Solomon in Various Compositions
Bathsheba at David's feet
Bathsheba asks David to proclaim Solomon king
David on his deathbed appoints Solomon his successor
Nathan and Bathsheba before David
Zadok anoints Solomon
Anointing of King Solomon
Solomon consecrated king
Solomon is made king *
Solomon's wisdom: He commands a soldier to divide the living child in two
Judgment of Solomon, The
Judgment of Solomon
Solomon's wisdom
(82 Gambar)
Nama Terkait:
Pasal Terkait:
1 Raja-raja 3
Solomon commits idolatry
Idolatry of Solomon, The
Solomon worshipping false gods
Solomon's idolatry
(12 Gambar)
Nama Terkait:
Pasal Terkait:
1 Raja-raja 11
Ezekiel's vision of the mystic wheel
Solomon *
Solomon *
Solomon: counterproof *
(66 Gambar)
Nama Terkait:
Jesus in Solomon's Colonnade
Christ refuses the kingship
Evil Jews approach in order to question Jesus, The
Father and I are one, The
(4 Gambar)
Nama Terkait:
Pasal Terkait:
Yohanes 10
Solomon sacrifices a young bull and prays for wisdom
Solomon's dream
Dream of Solomon
Solomon prays for wisdom
Solomon on his throne
Solomon's wealth and wisdom
Solomon's wisdom
Kings bring gifts to Solomon
David commissions Solomon to build the temple
David's love for God's house
David's charge to Solomon
Now begin the work
(4 Gambar)
Nama Terkait:
Pasal Terkait:
1 Tawarikh 22
Prophet Ahijah and Jeroboam, The *
Ahijah prophesies that Jeroboam will become king over ten of the twelve tribes
Ahijah's prophesy to Jeroboam
Ahijah and Jeroboam I
David's dying charge to Solomon
He charged Solomon his son
David on his deathbed gives his last admonitions to Solomon
And Solomon brought up the daughter of Pharaoh ...
Solomon rebuilds
Death of Solomon
Solomon as a teacher
Vanitas vanitatum
Solomon as a teacher
People listening to Solomon's wisdom
(23 Gambar)
Nama Terkait:
Burial of the wood
Adoration of the holy wood
Meeting of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, The
Tree of Jesse, The
Almighty with prophets, kings, and sybils, The
Annunciation, The
Assumption of the Virgin, The
(5 Gambar)
Nama Terkait:
Biodata Salomo
SALOMO [Biodata]
Arti nama | : | DAMAI SEJAHTERA |
Ayah | : | Daud - 2 Samuel 12:24 |
Ibu | : | Betsyeba - 2 Samuel 12:24 |
Istri | : | Naama (diantara banyak istri-istrinya ada 300 orang) - 1 Raja-raja 11:3, 14:21 |
Anak laki-laki | : | Rehobeam - 1 Raja-raja 14:21 |
Saudara laki-laki | : | Saudara kandung : Syamua, Sobab dan Natam - 1 Tawarikh 3:5 |
Saudara perempuan | : | Tamar - 2 Samuel 13:1 |
Disebut pertama | : | 2 Samuel 5:14 |
Namanya disebut | : | 297 kali |
Kitab yang menyebut | : | 15 buku : 2 Samuel, 1 Raja-raja, 2 Raja-raja, Mazmur, Amsal, Kidung, Agung, Yeremia, Matius, Lukas, Yohanes, Kisah Para Rasul |
Pekerjaan | : | Raja Israel |
Tempat kelahiran | : | Yerusalem - 2 Samuel 5:14 |
Tempat kematian | : | Yerusalem - 1 Raja-raja 11:43 |
Terakhir disebut | : | Kisah Para Rasul 7:47 |
Fakta penting | : | IA ORANG PALING BIJAKASANA DI DUNIA INI (1 RAJA-RAJA 3:11-12). |
Lihat definisi kata "Salomo" dalam Studi Kamus Alkitab
Salomo: damai sentosa. 2Samuel 5:14