Lihat definisi kata "Batsyeba" dalam Studi Kamus Alkitab
- Discovering Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11:2-4)
- Bathsheba's Son Dies (2 Samuel 12:15-23)
- Portraits of Uriah, Husband of Bathsheba
- Portraits of Bathsheba
- David Marries Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11:27)
Bathsheba bathing herself
Bathsheba at the bath
David covets Bathsheba
(70 Gambar)
Pasal Terkait:
2 Samuel 11
David's punishment
Death of David and Bathsheba's son, The
Nathan accuses David. David repentant lies on the ground praying and fasting for his child to recover.
David, buried in the ground, receives the forgiveness of the Lord
(7 Gambar)
Pasal Terkait:
2 Samuel 12
Uriah and Bathsheba, two heads on profile *
(11 Gambar)
David and Bathsheba standing in their bedroom
David and Bathsheba standing in their bedroom
(2 Gambar)
Nama Terkait:
Pasal Terkait:
2 Samuel 11
Lihat definisi kata "Batsyeba" dalam Studi Kamus Alkitab
Batsyeba: mengenal suatu sumpah. 2Sam 11:3.