Resource > Jurnal Pelita Zaman >  Volume 2 No. 1 Tahun 1987 >  ABNORMALITAS SEKSUAL > 

Ellis, Havelock, Psychology of Sex, Harvest/HBJ, New York, 1978.

Eysenck, H.J. & Nias, DKB, Sex, Violence and the Media, Harper & Row, New York, 1979.

Fletcher, Joseph, Situation Ethics, Westminster Press, Philadelphia, 1966.

-- & Montgomery, J.W., Situation Ethics, Dimensions Books, Minneapolis, 1972.

Furnish, Victor P., The Moral Teaching of Paul, Abingdon, Nashville, 1979.

Gagnon; J.W. & Simon, W (eds.), Sexual Daviance, Harper & Row, New York, 1967.

Henry, Carl F.H. (ed.), Bakers Dictionary of Christian Ethics, Baker Book House, 1973.

Lindsell, Harold, The World, the Flesh & The Devil, World Wide Publ., Minneapolis, 1973.

Marx, D.I., New Morality, Kalam Hidup, Bandung, 1973.

__, Itu 'Kan Boleh, Kalam Hidup, Bandung 1973.

Narromore, C.M., Encyclopedia of Psychological Problems, Zondervan, Grand Rapide 1973.

Ramsey, Paul, Basic Christian Ethics, Th. University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1980.

Robinson, JT, Christian Morals Today Westminster Press, Philadelphia, 1964.

Verkuyl, Etika Seksual, BPK-Gunung Mulia Jakarta.

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