TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Imamat 26:34-35

TSK Full Life Study Bible


This was fulfilled during the Babylonish captivity: for, from Saul to the captivity are about 490 years, during which period there were 70 sabbaths of years neglected by the Hebrews. Now the Babylonish captivity lasted 70 years, and during that time the land of Israel rested.


itu tandus

Yes 1:7; Yer 7:34; 25:11; 44:6; Yeh 33:29 [Semua]

negeri musuh-musuhmu;

Im 26:43; 2Taw 36:12 [Semua]



menjalani sabat

Im 25:4; [Lihat FULL. Im 25:4]

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