TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Daniel 7:25

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mengucapkan(TB)/mengatakan(TL) <04449> [he shall speak.]

In assuming infallibility, professing to forgive sins, and to open and shut heaven, thundering out bulls and anathemas, excommunicating princes, absolving subjects from their allegiance, and exacting obedience to his decrees in open violation of reason and Scripture.

menganiaya(TB)/dianiayakannya(TL) <01080> [shall wear out.]

By wars, crusades, massacres, etc.

berusaha(TB)/disengajakannya(TL) <05452> [and think.]

Appointing feasts and fasts, canonizing saints, etc.

masa .... masa .... masa(TB/TL) <05732> [a time.]

That is, three years and a half, or, reckoning thirty days to a month, 1,260 days, equal to the same number of years in prophetic language; which, dated from the decree of Phocas constituting him the supreme head of the church, A.D. 606, terminated in 1866.


Yang Mahatinggi,

Yes 37:23; [Lihat FULL. Yes 37:23]; Dan 11:36 [Semua]

orang-orang kudus

Wahy 16:6

mengubah waktu

Dan 2:21; Mr 1:15; Luk 21:8; Kis 1:6-7 [Semua]

setengah masa.

Dan 8:24; 12:7; Wahy 11:2; [Lihat FULL. Wahy 11:2] [Semua]

TIP #18: Centang "Hanya dalam TB" pada Pencarian Universal untuk pencarian teks alkitab hanya dalam versi TB [SEMUA]
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