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Himne Indonesia
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Himne Inggris
Yesaya 33:2-6
[Yes 33:5] He Lives On High
Christ the Savior came from Heaven’s glory, To redeem the lost from sin and shame; On His brow He wore the thorn-crown glory, And upon Calvary He took my blame. Refrain He lives on high, He lives on high, Triumphant over sin and all its stain; He lives on high, He lives on high, Some day He’s coming again. He arose from death and all its sorrow, To dwell in that land of joy and love; He is coming back some glad tomorrow, And He’ll take all His children home above. Refrain Weary soul, to Jesus come confessing, Redemption from sin He offers thee; Look to Jesus and receive a blessing, There is life, there is joy and victory! Refrain |
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source: Cyberhymnal |