Keluaran 20:1-17
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
Judul : Kesepuluh firman Perikop : Kel 20:1-21 Paralel: Ul 5:6-21 dengan Kel 20:1-17 Allah mengucapkan segala firman Neh 9:13; Mazm 119:9; 147:19; Mal 4:4 [Semua] Catatan Frasa: LALU ALLAH MENGUCAPKAN SEGALA FIRMAN INI. |
TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [the Lord.] membawa engkau keluar(TB)/keluar(TL) <03318> [brought.] tanah .... tempat(TB)/negeri ..... tempat(TL) <0776 01004> [out of the.] perbudakan(TB)/perhambaan(TL) <05650> [bondage. Heb. servants.] |
Tuhan, Allahmu, Kej 17:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 17:7]; Kel 16:12; Im 19:2; 20:7; Yes 43:3; Yeh 20:19 [Semua] engkau keluar Kej 15:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 15:7] tanah Mesir, Kel 6:5; [Lihat FULL. Kel 6:5] tempat perbudakan. Catatan Frasa: KESEPULUH FIRMAN. |
di hadapan-Ku. Kel 20:23; Kel 34:14; Ul 6:14; 13:10; 2Raj 17:35; Mazm 44:21; 81:10; Yer 1:16; 7:6,9; 11:13; 19:4; 25:6; 35:15 [Semua] Catatan Frasa: JANGAN ADA PADAMU ALLAH LAIN DI HADAPAN-KU. |
bagimu patung Kel 20:5,23; Kel 32:8; 34:17; Im 19:4; 26:1; Ul 4:15-19,23; 27:15; 2Sam 7:22; 1Raj 14:9; 2Raj 17:12; Yes 40:19; 42:8; 44:9 [Semua] Catatan Frasa: PATUNG YANG MENYERUPAI APAPUN. |
menyembah(TB)/sujud(TL) <07812> [bow down.] TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [for I.] membalaskan(TB)/membalas(TL) <06485> [visiting.] 34:7 Le 20:5 26:29,39,40 Nu 14:18,33 1Sa 15:2,3 2Sa 21:1,6
1Ki 21:29 2Ki 23:26 Job 5:4 21:19 Ps 79:8 109:14 Isa 14:20,21
Isa 65:6,7 Jer 2:9 32:18 Mt 23:34-36 [Semua]
membenci(TB)/membenci akan Daku(TL) <08130> [of them.] |
sujud menyembah Kel 23:13,24; Yos 23:7; Hak 6:10; 2Raj 17:35; Yes 44:15,17,19; 46:6 [Semua] adalah Allah Kel 34:14; Ul 4:24; Yos 24:19; Nah 1:2 [Semua] kesalahan bapa Kej 9:25; [Lihat FULL. Kej 9:25]; Im 26:39; [Lihat FULL. Im 26:39] [Semua] kepada keturunan Kel 34:7; Bil 14:18; Yer 32:18 [Semua] Catatan Frasa: ANAK-ANAKNYA. |
tetapi ... menunjukkan(TB)/tetapi ... menunjuk(TL) <06213> [shewing.] mengasihi .... memeliharakan berpegang(TB)/mengasihi(TL) <0157 08104> [love me.] |
kepada beribu-ribu Kel 34:7; Bil 14:18; Ul 7:9; Yer 32:18; Luk 1:50; Rom 11:28 [Semua] |
menyebut .............. menyebut(TB)/menyebut ................. menyebut(TL) <05375> [take.] Le 19:12 24:11-16 De 5:11 Ps 50:14-16 Pr 30:9 Jer 4:2
Mt 5:33-37 23:16-22 26:63,64 2Co 1:23 Heb 6:16,17 Jas 5:12 [Semua]
bersalah(TB)/dibilangkan(TL) <05352> [guiltless.] |
menyebut nama-Nya Kel 22:28; Im 18:21; 19:12; 22:2; 24:11,16; Ul 6:13; 10:20; Ayub 2:5,9; Mazm 63:12; Yes 8:21; Yeh 20:39; 39:7; Mat 5:33; [Lihat FULL. Mat 5:33] [Semua] Catatan Frasa: JANGAN MENYEBUT NAMA TUHAN, ALLAHMU, DENGAN SEMBARANGAN. |
hari Sabat: Kel 16:23; [Lihat FULL. Kel 16:23]; Kel 31:13-16; 35:3; Im 19:3,30; 26:2; Yes 56:2; Yer 17:21-27; Yeh 22:8 [Semua] Catatan Frasa: INGATLAH ... HARI SABAT. |
segala pekerjaanmu, Kel 23:12; 31:13-17; 34:21; 35:2-3; Im 23:3; Luk 13:14 [Semua] |
ketujuh(TB/TL) <07637> [the seventh.] melakukan(TB)/bekerja(TL) <06213> [thou shalt.] hambamu laki-laki(TB/TL) <05650> [thy manservant.] asing(TB)/orang dagang(TL) <01616> [thy stranger.] |
hari Sabat Kej 2:3; [Lihat FULL. Kej 2:3]; Kel 31:14; Im 23:38; Bil 28:9; Yes 56:2; Yeh 20:12,20 [Semua] |
dan bumi, Ia berhenti Kej 2:2; [Lihat FULL. Kej 2:2] pada hari |
Hormatilah(TB)/hormat(TL) <03513> [Honour.] 21:15,17 Le 19:3,32 1Ki 2:19 2Ki 2:12 Pr 1:8,9 15:5 20:20
Pr 23:22-25 28:24 30:11,17 Mal 1:6 Mt 15:4-6 Lu 18:20
Eph 5:21 6:1-3 Col 3:20 [Semua]
umurmu(TB/TL) <03117> [that thy.] |
dan ibumu, Kej 31:35; [Lihat FULL. Kej 31:35]; Ul 5:16; [Lihat FULL. Ul 5:16]; Mat 15:4%&; 19:19%&; Mr 7:10%&; 10:19%&; Luk 18:20%&; Ef 6:2 [Semua] supaya lanjut di tanah Ul 11:9; 25:15; Yer 35:7 [Semua] Catatan Frasa: HORMATILAH AYAHMU DAN IBUMU. |
Jangan membunuh. Kej 4:23; [Lihat FULL. Kej 4:23]; Mat 5:21%&; 19:18%&; Mr 10:19%&; Luk 18:20%&; Rom 13:9%&; Yak 2:11%& [Semua] Catatan Frasa: JANGAN MEMBUNUH. |
Jangan berzinah. Im 18:20; 20:10; Bil 5:12,13,29; Ams 6:29,32; Mat 5:27%&; 19:18%&; Mr 10:19%&; Luk 18:20%&; Rom 13:9%&; Yak 2:11%& [Semua] Catatan Frasa: JANGAN BERZINAH. |
Jangan mencuri. Im 19:11,13; Yeh 18:7; Mat 19:18%&; Mr 10:19%&; Luk 18:20%&; Rom 13:9%& [Semua] Catatan Frasa: JANGAN MENCURI. |
saksi dusta tentang sesamamu. Kel 23:1,7; Im 19:18; Mazm 50:20; 101:5; 119:29; Mat 19:18%&; Mr 10:19; Luk 3:14%&; 18:20%& [Semua] Catatan Frasa: JANGAN MENGUCAPKAN SAKSI DUSTA. |
rumah sesamamu rumah .................. sesamamu(TB)/rumah samamu ........ samamu ...................... samamu(TL) <07453 01004> [thy neighbour's house.] Ge 3:6 14:23 34:23 Jos 7:21 1Sa 15:19 Ps 10:3 119:36
Ec 4:8 5:10,11 Isa 33:15 57:17 Jer 22:17 Eze 33:31 Am 2:6,7
Mic 2:2 Hab 2:9 Lu 12:15 16:14 Ac 20:33 Ro 7:7 1Co 6:10
Php 3:19 Col 3:5 1Ti 6:6-10 Heb 13:5 [Semua]
isterinya(TB)/bini(TL) <0802> [wife.] sesamamu ................... sesamamu(TB)/samamu ........ samamu ...................... samamu(TL) <07453> [is thy neighbour's.] |
jangan mengingini Luk 12:15; Rom 7:7%&; 13:9%&; Ef 5:3; Ibr 13:5 [Semua] Catatan Frasa: JANGAN MENGINGINI. |
Imamat 11:1-47
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
Judul : Makanan yang haram dan yang tidak haram Perikop : Im 11:1-47 Paralel: Ul 14:3-20 dengan Im 11:1-23 |
De 14:3-8 Eze 4:14 Da 1:8 Mt 15:11 Mr 7:15-19 Ac 10:12,14
Ro 14:2,3,14,15 1Ti 4:4-6 Heb 9:10 13:9 [Semua]
Of the laws relative to clean and unclean beasts, which are recorded in this chapter and Deut. ch. 14 the following may be found a useful abstract. 1. In regard to quadrupeds, all beasts that have their feet completely cloven, above as well as below, and at the same time chew the cud, are clean. Those which have neither, or indeed want one of these distinguishing marks, are unclean. This is a systematic division of quadrupeds so excellent, as never yet, after all the improvements in natural history, to have become obsolete, but, on the contrary, to be still considered as useful by the greatest masters of the science. 2. With regard to fishes, Moses has in like manner, made a very simple systematic distinction. All that have scales and fins are clean; all others unclean. 3. Of birds, he merely specifies certain sorts as forbidden, thereby permitting all others to be eaten. 4. Insects, serpents, worms, etc., are prohibited; but with regard, however to those winged insects, which besides four walking legs, also have two longer springing legs, (Pedes saltatorii,) Moses makes an exception, and under the denomination of locusts, declares them clean in all four stages of their existence. In Palestine, Arabia, and the adjoining countries, locusts are one of the most common articles of food, and people would be very ill of if they durst not eat them: For, when a swarm of them desolates the fields, they prove in some measure themselves an antidote to the famine which they occasion. They are not only eaten fresh, immediately on their appearance, but the people collect them, and know a method of preserving them for a long time for food, after they have dried them in an oven. --Niebuhr's Description of Arabia, pp. 170-175. |
kamu makan |
belah(TB)/terbelah(TL) <06536> [parteth.] memamah biak(TB)/memamah(TL) <05927> [cheweth.] |
kamu makan |
pelanduk(TB)/kelinci(TL) <08227> [the coney.] {Shaphan,} most probably an animal resembling the rabbit, called by Dr. Shaw, {daman} (probably for {ganam}) Israel, "Israel's lamb," and by Bruce, {ashkoko,} which name he imagines is "derived from the singularity of these long herenacious hairs, which, like small thorns, grow about his back, and which an Amhara are called {ashok.}" This curious animal abounds in Judea, Palestine, Arabia, and Ethiopia; and is described as being about seventeen inches when sitting. It has no tail; and at first sight gives the idea of a rat. Its colour is grey, mixed with reddish brown; the belly white, the body covered with strong polished hairs, for the most part about two inches in length; the ears round, and not pointed; the feet round, of a soft, pulpy, tender substance; the toes projecting beyond the nails, which are rather broad than sharp; the upper jaw is longer than the other; it lives upon grain, fruit, and roots, and certainly chews the cud; and it does not burrow like the hare and rabbit, but lives in clefts of the rocks. belah(TB)/terbelah(TL) <06536> [but divideth.] |
kelinci(TB)/kawelu(TL) <0768> [the hare.] |
babi hutan(TB)/babi(TL) <02386> [swine.] |
juga babi |
haram(TB)/haramlah(TL) <02931> [they are unclean.] |
itu bagimu. Im 5:2; [Lihat FULL. Im 5:2]; Ibr 9:10 [Semua] |
kejijikan(TB)/kehinaanlah(TL) <08263> [they shall be.] |
itu kejijikan |
dan bangkainya |
kejijikan bagimu. |
rajawali(TB)/burung nasar(TL) <05404> [the eagle.] In Hebrew, {nesher,} Chaldee, {neshar,} Syriac, {neshro,} and Arabic, {nishr,} the eagle, one of the largest, strongest, swiftest, fiercest, and most rapacious of the feathered race. His eye is large, dark, and piercing; his beak powerful and hooked; his legs strong and feathered; his feet yellow and armed with four very long and terrific claws; his wings very large and powerful; his body compact and robust; his bones hard; his flesh firm; his feathers coarse; his attitude fierce and erect; his motions lively; his flight extremely rapid and towering; and his cry the terror of every wing. De 14:12-20 Job 28:7 38:41 39:27-30 Jer 4:13,22 48:40 La 4:19
Ho 8:1 Hab 1:8 Mt 24:28 Ro 1:28-32 3:13-17 Tit 3:3 [Semua]
the ossifrage. {Peres,} from {paras} to break, probably the species of eagle anciently called {ossifraga} or bone-breaker, (from {os,} a bone, and {frango,} to break,) because it not only strips off the flesh, but breaks the bone, in order to extract the marrow. the ospray. Hebrew {¢zniyah,} Arabic {azan,} and Chaldee {azyah,} (from {azaz,} to be strong,) a species of eagle, probably the black eagle, so remarkable for its strength. |
menurut jenisnya; Kej 1:11; [Lihat FULL. Kej 1:11] |
burung gagak Kej 8:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 8:7] |
hantu putih, Yes 13:21; 14:23; 34:11,13; Zef 2:14 [Semua] |
burung ranggung, menurut jenisnya, Kej 1:11; [Lihat FULL. Kej 1:11] dan kelelawar. |
kejijikan bagimu. |
antaranya: belalang-belalang |
akan menajiskan matahari terbenam, Im 11:27-40; Im 13:3; 14:46; 15:5; 22:6; Bil 19:7,19 [Semua] |
mencuci pakaiannya ..... najis(TB)/membasuhkan pakaiannya ... najislah(TL) <0899 02930 03526> [wash his clothes, and be unclean.] |
mencuci pakaiannya, Im 11:28; Kel 19:10; [Lihat FULL. Kel 19:10]; Im 13:6; 14:8,47; 15:5; 16:26; Bil 8:7; 19:7 [Semua] matahari terbenam Im 13:34; Bil 19:8; 31:24 [Semua] |
membawa(TB/TL) <05375> [beareth.] mencuci(TB)/membasuhkan(TL) <03526> [shall wash.] |
matahari terbenam. |
melata merayap ... berkeriapan(TB)/binatang kecil ... melata(TL) <08317 08318> [creeping things that creep.] |
yang haram buta, tikus, |
dimasukkan air ... air(TB)/dicelupkan ... air(TL) <0935 04325> [it must be put into water.] |
atau karung, Im 15:12; Bil 19:18; 31:20 [Semua] |
pecahkan(TB/TL) <07665> [ye shall break it.] |
kamu pecahkan. Im 6:28; [Lihat FULL. Im 6:28] |
diremukkan(TB)/hendaklah(TL) <05422> [they shall be.] |
mata air(TB)/mata(TL) <04599> [a fountain.] memuat air(TB)/dikumpulkan air(TL) <04723 04325> [wherein there is plenty of water. Heb. a gathering together of waters.] |
benih biji-bijian .... ditaburkan(TB)/biji-bijian(TL) <02233 02221> [sowing seed.] |
Apabila mati Im 17:15; 22:8; Ul 14:21; Yeh 4:14; 44:31 [Semua] kepada bangkainya Im 11:40; Im 22:4; Bil 19:11 [Semua] |
makan(TB/TL) <0398> [eateth.] 25 17:15,16 22:8 Ex 22:31 De 14:21 Isa 1:16 Eze 4:14 36:25
Eze 44:31 Zec 13:1 1Co 6:11 10:21 1Jo 1:7 [Semua]
mencuci ................. mencuci(TB)/membasuhkan ................... membasuhkan(TL) <03526> [shall wash.] |
dari bangkainya Im 11:39; [Lihat FULL. Im 11:39] matahari terbenam; Im 11:25; Im 14:8; 17:15; 22:8; Yeh 44:31; Ibr 9:10 [Semua] |
merayap ... perutnya perutnya .... berjalan(TB)/menjulur ... perutnya .... merangkak(TL) <01512 01980> [goeth upon the belly.] kakinya banyak(TB)/banyak kakinya(TL) <07272 07235> [hath more feet. Heb. doth multiply feet.] |
jijik(TB)/menghinakan(TL) <08262> [Ye shall.] karenanya(TB)/dirimu ................. adamu(TL) <05315 02933> [yourselves. Heb. your souls.] |
setiap binatang Im 11:44; Im 20:25; 22:5 [Semua] |
TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [I am the.] menguduskan ...... kudus ..... kudus(TB)/menyucikan ..... suci .... suci(TL) <06942 06918> [ye shall.] |
Tuhan, Allahmu, Kel 6:1,6; [Lihat FULL. Kel 6:1]; [Lihat FULL. Kel 6:6]; Kel 20:2; Yes 43:3; 51:15; Yeh 20:5 [Semua] menguduskan dirimu Kel 19:10; [Lihat FULL. Kel 19:10]; Im 20:7; Bil 15:40; Yos 3:5; 7:13; 1Taw 15:12; 2Taw 29:5; 35:6 [Semua] kamu kudus, Kel 22:31; [Lihat FULL. Kel 22:31]; Ul 14:2; [Lihat FULL. Ul 14:2] [Semua] ini kudus, Kel 31:13; [Lihat FULL. Kel 31:13]; Im 19:2; 20:7; Yos 24:19; 1Sam 2:2; Ayub 6:10; Mazm 99:3; Ef 1:4; 1Tes 4:7; 1Pet 1:15,16%& [Semua] atas bumi. Im 11:43; [Lihat FULL. Im 11:43] Catatan Frasa: MENGUDUSKAN DIRIMU. |
menuntun(TB)/menghantar(TL) <05927> [that bringeth.] kudus ..... kudus(TB)/suci .... suci(TL) <06918> [be holy.] |
tanah Mesir, menjadi Allahmu; Kej 17:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 17:7] ini kudus. Kel 19:6; [Lihat FULL. Kel 19:6]; 1Pet 1:16%& [Semua] |
hukum(TB/TL) <08451> [This.] The distinction of clean and unclean animals, (see note on Le 11:2) existed even before the flood, though it probably then only related to sacrifices; but at this time we find there were very particular laws enacted respecting the diet of the people, and the ceremonial uncleanness contracted by touching the carcases of unclean animals. The reasons for the enactment of these laws seem to be--1. As a test of obedience, and to teach the Israelites habits of self-denial, and the government of their appetites. 2. To keep them distinct from other nations, and consequently from their idolatrous usages, by throwing hindrances in the way of their social intercourse; for these distinctions were applicable both to persons and things. The Canaanites not only ate the animals prohibited by Moses, which we usually eat, but others also, among which dogs were one. Besides, many of those declared unclean were sacred among the heathen, and sacrificed to their gods. 3. Because those prohibited were innutritive and unwholesome; as the swine, the flesh of which being strong and difficult to digest, affords a very gross aliment, and produces, especially in hot climates, cutaneous, scrophulous, and scorbutic disorders, as the itch, leprosy, etc. |
boleh dimakan. |