TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Ezra 3:5

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tetap(TB)/selalu(TL) <08548> [the continual.]

sukarela(TB)/dipersembahkan(TL) <05068> [willingly.]


bulan baru

Bil 28:3,11,14; [Lihat FULL. Bil 28:3]; [Lihat FULL. Bil 28:11]; [Lihat FULL. Bil 28:14]; Kol 2:16 [Semua]

bagi Tuhan,

Im 23:1-44; Bil 29:39; [Lihat FULL. Bil 29:39] [Semua]

Ezra 8:15

TSK Full Life Study Bible


sungai ..... mengalir(TB)/sungai ... mengalir(TL) <0935 05104> [the river that runneth.]

Ahava is supposed to be the river Adiava, which, with the Diava, is said by Ammianus to have given name to Adiabene, a province of Assyria, through which they flowed into the Tigris. These rivers were also called respectively, Anzabas and Zabas, the Caprus and Lycus of Ptolemy; the former of which he places, at its source, in long. 79 degrees, lat. 39« degrees, and at its junction with the Tigris, in long. 79« degrees, lat. 36 degrees 6'; and the latter, at its source, in long 78 degrees, lat. 39 degrees; and where it falls into the Tigris, in long. 79 degrees, lat. 36« degrees. They are now called the Great and Little Zab, or the Zabein, i.e., the two Zabs, which, says Ibn Haukal, "are considerable streams, each about half as large as the Dejleh (or Tigris). They rise among the mountains of Azerbaijan: of these, the larger is that which runs towards Haditheh. These streams form part of the Tigris, and water the district of Semerah."

Ahawa(TB/TL) <0163> [Ahava.]

berkemah(TB)/berhenti(TL) <02583> [abode. Heb. pitched. and found.]


Judul : Kembali ke Yerusalem

Perikop : Ezr 8:15-30

ke Ahawa

Ezr 8:21,31 [Semua]

bani Lewi.

Ezr 2:40; [Lihat FULL. Ezr 2:40]

Ezra 10:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


bulan bulan ...... bulan .... bulan(TB)/bulan ... kesembilan ....... bulan(TL) <02320 08671> [the ninth month.]

That is, some time in December, which is the coldest and most rainy time of the year in Palestine. Dr. Russel, in his account of the weather at Aleppo, which very much resembles that in Judea, says, that the natives reckon the severity of the winter, which they call {marbania,} to last but forty days, beginning from the 12th of December, and ending the 20th of January, and that this computation comes in fact very near the truth: and that the air during this time is excessively piercing, even to those that are just come from a cold climate.

menggigil(TB)/gemetar(TL) <07460> [trembling.]

hujan(TB/TL) <01653> [great rain. Heb. showers.]


dan Benyamin

Ezr 1:5; [Lihat FULL. Ezr 1:5]

Ezra 10:13

TSK Full Life Study Bible


orang-orang(TB)/orangnya(TL) <05971> [the people.]

besar ................... perkara ........... banyak ... pelanggaran(TB)/banyak ....................... banyaklah ...... bersalah ... perkara(TL) <07227 06586 01697 07235> [we are many that have transgressed in this thing. or, we have greatly offended in this thing.]

Ezra 10:16

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menyelidiki perkara ....... hal(TB)/memeriksai hal(TL) <01875 01697> [to examine the matter.]

TIP #04: Coba gunakan range (OT dan NT) pada Pencarian Khusus agar pencarian Anda lebih terfokus. [SEMUA]
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