TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Bilangan 3:37

3:37 and the pillars of the courtyard all around, with their sockets, their pegs, and their ropes.

Bilangan 16:24

16:24 “Tell the community: ‘Get away 1  from around the homes of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram.’”

Bilangan 2:2

2:2 “Every one 2  of the Israelites must camp 3  under his standard with the emblems of his family; 4  they must camp at some distance 5  around the tent of meeting. 6 

Bilangan 34:12

34:12 Then the border will continue down the Jordan River 7  and its direction will be to the Salt Sea. This will be your land by its borders that surround it.’”

Bilangan 16:34

16:34 All the Israelites 8  who were around them fled at their cry, 9  for they said, “What if 10  the earth swallows us too?”

Bilangan 3:26

3:26 the hangings of the courtyard, 11  the curtain at the entrance to the courtyard that surrounded the tabernacle and the altar, and their ropes, plus all the service connected with these things. 12 

Bilangan 35:4

35:4 The grazing lands around the towns that you will give to the Levites must extend to a distance of 500 yards 13  from the town wall.

Bilangan 1:53

1:53 But the Levites must camp around the tabernacle of the testimony, so that the Lord’s anger 14  will not fall on the Israelite community. The Levites are responsible for the care 15  of the tabernacle of the testimony.”

Bilangan 11:24


11:24 So Moses went out and told the people the words of the Lord. He then gathered seventy men of the elders of the people and had them stand around the tabernacle.

Bilangan 4:32

4:32 and the posts of the surrounding courtyard with their sockets, tent pegs, and ropes, along with all their furnishings and everything for their service. You are to assign by names the items that each man is responsible to carry. 16 

Bilangan 16:27

16:27 So they got away from the homes of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram on every side, and Dathan and Abiram came out and stationed themselves 17  in the entrances of their tents with their wives, their children, and their toddlers.

Bilangan 4:26

4:26 the hangings for the courtyard, the curtain for the entrance of the gate of the court, 18  which is around the tabernacle and the altar, and their ropes, along with all the furnishings for their service and everything that is made for them. So they are to serve. 19 

Bilangan 35:2

35:2 “Instruct the Israelites to give 20  the Levites towns to live in from the inheritance the Israelites 21  will possess. You must also give the Levites grazing land around the towns.

Bilangan 11:32

11:32 And the people stayed up 22  all that day, all that night, and all the next day, and gathered the quail. The one who gathered the least gathered ten homers, 23  and they spread them out 24  for themselves all around the camp.

Bilangan 11:31

Provision of Quail

11:31 Now a wind 25  went out 26  from the Lord and brought quail 27  from the sea, and let them fall 28  near the camp, about a day’s journey on this side, and about a day’s journey on the other side, all around the camp, and about three feet 29  high on the surface of the ground.

Bilangan 32:33

Land Assignment

32:33 So Moses gave to the Gadites, the Reubenites, and to half the tribe of Manasseh son of Joseph the realm of King Sihon of the Amorites, and the realm of King Og of Bashan, the entire land with its cities and the territory surrounding them. 30 

Bilangan 1:50

1:50 But appoint 31  the Levites over the tabernacle of the testimony, 32  over all its furnishings and over everything in it. They must carry 33  the tabernacle and all its furnishings; and they 34  must attend to it and camp around it. 35 

Bilangan 21:4

Fiery Serpents

21:4 Then they traveled from Mount Hor by the road to the Red Sea, 36  to go around the land of Edom, but the people 37  became impatient along the way.

Bilangan 2:1

The Arrangement of the Tribes

2:1 38 The Lord spoke to Moses and to Aaron:

Bilangan 22:4


22:4 So the Moabites said to the elders of Midian, “Now this mass of people 39  will lick up everything around us, as the bull devours the grass of the field. Now Balak son of Zippor was king of the Moabites at this time.

Bilangan 1:52


1:52 “The Israelites will camp according to their divisions, each man in his camp, and each man by his standard.

Bilangan 10:3-4

10:3 When 40  they blow 41  them both, all the community must come 42  to you to the entrance of the tent of meeting.

10:4 “But if they blow with one trumpet, then the leaders, the heads of the thousands of Israel, must come to you. 43 

Bilangan 2:34


2:34 So the Israelites did according to all that the Lord commanded Moses; that is the way 44  they camped under their standards, and that is the way they traveled, each with his clan and family.

Bilangan 4:25

4:25 They must carry the curtains for the tabernacle and the tent of meeting with its covering, the covering of fine leather that is over it, the curtains for the entrance of the tent of meeting,

Bilangan 35:5


35:5 “You must measure 45  from outside the wall of the town on the east 1,000 yards, 46  and on the south side 1,000 yards, and on the west side 1,000 yards, and on the north side 1,000 yards, with the town in the middle. 47  This territory must belong to them as grazing land for the towns.

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[16:24]  1 tn The motif of “going up” is still present; here the Hebrew text says “go up” (the Niphal imperative – “go up yourselves”) from their tents, meaning, move away from them.

[2:2]  2 tn Heb “a man by his own standard.”

[2:2]  3 tn The imperfect tense is to be taken in the nuance of instruction.

[2:2]  4 tn Heb “of/for the house of their fathers.”

[2:2]  5 tn The Hebrew expression מִנֶּגֶד (minneged) means “from before” or “opposite; facing” and “at some distance” or “away from the front of” (see BDB 617 s.v. נֶגֶד 2.c.a; DCH 5:603-4 s.v. 3.b).

[2:2]  6 sn The Israelites were camping as a military camp, each tribe with the standards and emblems of the family. The standard was the symbol fastened to the end of a pole and carried to battle. It served to rally the tribe to the battle. The Bible nowhere describes these, although the serpent emblem of Numbers 21:8-9 may give a clue. But they probably did not have shapes of animals in view of the prohibition in the Decalogue. The standards may have been smaller for the families than the ones for the tribes. See further K. A. Kitchen, “Some Egyptian Background to the Old Testament,” TynBul 5 (1960): 11; and T. W. Mann, Divine Presence and Guidance in Israelite Tradition, 169-73.

[34:12]  7 tn The word “River” is not in the Hebrew text, but has been supplied in the translation for clarity.

[16:34]  8 tn Heb “all Israel.”

[16:34]  9 tn Heb “voice.”

[16:34]  10 tn Heb “lest.”

[3:26]  11 tc The phrases in this verse seem to be direct objects without verbs. BHS suggests deleting the sign of the accusative (for which see P. P. Saydon, “Meanings and Uses of the Particle אֵת,” VT 14 [1964]: 263-75).

[3:26]  12 tn Heb “for all the service of it [them].”

[35:4]  13 tn Heb “one thousand cubits.” The standard cubit in the OT is assumed by most authorities to be about eighteen inches (45 cm) in length, so this would be a distance of 1,500 feet or 500 yards (675 meters).

[1:53]  14 tc Instead of “wrath” the Greek text has “sin,” focusing the emphasis on the human error and not on the wrath of God. This may have been a conscious change to explain the divine wrath.

[1:53]  tn Heb “so that there be no wrath on.” In context this is clearly the divine anger, so “the Lord’s” has been supplied in the translation for clarity.

[1:53]  15 tn The main verb of the clause is the perfect tense with vav (ו) consecutive, וְשָׁמְרוּ (vÿshamÿru) meaning they “shall guard, protect, watch over, care for.” It may carry the same obligatory nuance as the preceding verbs because of the sequence. The object used with this is the cognate noun מִשְׁמֶרֶת (mishmeret): “The Levites must care for the care of the tabernacle.” The cognate intensifies the construction to stress that they are responsible for this care.

[4:32]  16 tn Heb “you shall assign by names the vessels of the responsibility of their burden.”

[16:27]  17 tn The verb נִצָּבִים (nitsavim) suggests a defiant stance, for the word is often used in the sense of taking a stand for or against something. It can also be somewhat neutral, having the sense of positioning oneself for a purpose.

[4:26]  18 tc This whole clause is not in the Greek text; it is likely missing due to homoioteleuton.

[4:26]  19 tn The work of these people would have been very demanding, since the size and weight of the various curtains and courtyard hangings would have been great. For a detailed discussion of these, see the notes in the book of Exodus on the construction of the items.

[35:2]  20 tn The verb is the perfect tense with vav (ו) consecutive: “command…and they will give,” or “that they give.”

[35:2]  21 tn Heb “they”; the referent (the Israelites) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[11:32]  22 tn Heb “rose up, stood up.”

[11:32]  23 sn This is about two thousand liters.

[11:32]  24 tn The verb (a preterite) is followed by the infinitive absolute of the same root, to emphasize the action of spreading out the quail. Although it is hard to translate the expression, it indicates that they spread these quail out all over the area. The vision of them spread all over was evidence of God’s abundant provision for their needs.

[11:31]  25 sn The irony in this chapter is expressed in part by the use of the word רוּחַ (ruakh). In the last episode it clearly meant the Spirit of the Lord that empowered the men for their spiritual service. But here the word is “wind.” Both the spiritual service and the judgment come from God.

[11:31]  26 tn The verb means “burst forth” or “sprang up.” See the ways it is used in Gen 33:12, Judg 16:3, 14; Isa 33:20.

[11:31]  27 sn The “quail” ordinarily cross the Sinai at various times of the year, but what is described here is not the natural phenomenon. Biblical scholars looking for natural explanations usually note that these birds fly at a low height and can be swatted down easily. But the description here is more of a supernatural supply and provision. See J. Gray, “The Desert Sojourn of the Hebrews and the Sinai Horeb Tradition,” VT 4 (1954): 148-54.

[11:31]  28 tn Or “left them fluttering.”

[11:31]  29 tn Heb “two cubits.” The standard cubit in the OT is assumed by most authorities to be about eighteen inches (45 cm) in length.

[32:33]  30 tn Heb “the land with its cities in the borders of the cities of the land all around.”

[1:50]  31 tn The same verb translated “number” (פָּקַד, paqad) is now used to mean “appoint” (הַפְקֵד, hafqed), which focuses more on the purpose of the verbal action of numbering people. Here the idea is that the Levites were appointed to take care of the tabernacle. On the use of this verb with the Levites’ appointment, see M. Gertner, “The Masorah and the Levites,” VT 10 (1960): 252.

[1:50]  32 tn The Hebrew name used here is מִשְׁכַּן הָעֵדֻת (mishkan haedut). The tabernacle or dwelling place of the Lord was given this name because it was here that the tablets of the Law were kept. The whole shrine was therefore a reminder (הָעֵדוּת, a “warning sign” or “testimony”) of the stipulations of the covenant. For the ancient Near Eastern customs of storing the code in the sanctuaries, see M. G. Kline, Treaty of the Great King, 14-19, and idem, The Structure of Biblical Authority, 35-36. Other items were in the ark in the beginning, but by the days of Solomon only the tablets were there (1 Kgs 8:9).

[1:50]  33 tn The imperfect tense here is an obligatory imperfect telling that they are bound to do this since they are appointed for this specific task.

[1:50]  34 tn The addition of the pronoun before the verb is emphatic – they are the ones who are to attend to the tabernacle. The verb used is שָׁרַת (sharat) in the Piel, indicating that they are to serve, minister to, attend to all the details about this shrine.

[1:50]  35 tn Heb “the tabernacle.” The pronoun (“it”) was used in the translation here for stylistic reasons.

[21:4]  36 tn The “Red Sea” is the general designation for the bodies of water on either side of the Sinai peninsula, even though they are technically gulfs from the Red Sea.

[21:4]  37 tn Heb “the soul of the people,” expressing the innermost being of the people as they became frustrated.

[2:1]  38 sn For this chapter, see C. E. Douglas, “The Twelve Houses of Israel,” JTS 37 (1936): 49-56; C. C. Roach, “The Camp in the Wilderness: A Sermon on Numbers 2:2,” Int 13 (1959): 49-54; and G. St. Clair, “Israel in Camp: A Study,” JTS 8 (1907): 185-217.

[22:4]  39 tn The word is simply “company,” but in the context he must mean a vast company – a horde of people.

[10:3]  40 tn The perfect tense with vav (ו) consecutive is here subordinated as a temporal clause to the following similar verbal construction.

[10:3]  41 tn The verb תָקַע (taqa’) means “to strike, drive, blow a trumpet.”

[10:3]  42 tn Heb “the assembly shall assemble themselves.”

[10:4]  43 tn Heb “they shall assemble themselves.”

[2:34]  44 tn The Hebrew word is כֵּן (ken, “thus, so”).

[35:5]  45 tn The verb is the Qal perfect of מָדַד (madad, “to measure”). With its vav (ו) consecutive it carries the same instructional force as the imperfect.

[35:5]  46 tn Heb “two thousand cubits” (also three more times in this verse). This would be a distance of 3,000 feet or 1,000 yards (1,350 meters).

[35:5]  47 sn The precise nature of the layout described here is not altogether clear. V. 4 speaks of the distance from the wall as being 500 yards; v. 5, however, describes measurements of 1,000 yards. Various proposals have been made in order to harmonize vv. 4 and 5. P. J. Budd, Numbers (WBC), 376, makes the following suggestion: “It may be best to assume that the cubits of the Levitical pasture lands are cubit frontages of land – in other words on each side of the city there was a block of land with a frontage of two thousand cubits (v 5), and a depth of 1000 cubits (v 4).”

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