Alkitab SABDA


Yohanes 18:5

18:5 They replied, “Jesus the Nazarene.” He told them, “I am he.” (Now Judas, the one who betrayed him, was standing there with them.)

Yohanes 18:7

18:7 Then Jesus asked them again, “Who are you looking for?” And they said, “Jesus the Nazarene.”

Yohanes 19:19

19:19 Pilate also had a notice written and fastened to the cross, which read: “Jesus the Nazarene, the king of the Jews.”

Matius 2:23

2:23 He came to a town called Nazareth and lived there. Then what had been spoken by the prophets was fulfilled, that Jesus would be called a Nazarene.

Matius 21:11

21:11 And the crowds were saying, “This is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth 10  in Galilee.”

Markus 14:67

14:67 When she saw Peter warming himself, she looked directly at him and said, “You also were with that Nazarene, Jesus.”

Lukas 2:4

2:4 So 11  Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth 12  in Galilee to Judea, to the city 13  of David called Bethlehem, 14  because he was of the house 15  and family line 16  of David.

Kisah Para Rasul 2:22

2:22 “Men of Israel, 17  listen to these words: Jesus the Nazarene, a man clearly attested to you by God with powerful deeds, 18  wonders, and miraculous signs 19  that God performed among you through him, just as you yourselves know –

Kisah Para Rasul 3:6

3:6 But Peter said, “I have no silver or gold, 20  but what I do have I give you. In the name 21  of Jesus Christ 22  the Nazarene, stand up and 23  walk!”

Kisah Para Rasul 10:38

10:38 with respect to Jesus from Nazareth, 24  that 25  God anointed him with the Holy Spirit and with power. He 26  went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, 27  because God was with him. 28 

Kisah Para Rasul 22:8

22:8 I answered, ‘Who are you, Lord?’ He said to me, ‘I am Jesus the Nazarene, whom you are persecuting.’

Kisah Para Rasul 26:9

26:9 Of course, 29  I myself was convinced 30  that it was necessary to do many things hostile to the name of Jesus the Nazarene.

Sumber: 18:5,7 19:19,Mt 2:23 21:11,Mr 14:67,Lu 2:4,Ac 2:22 3:6 10:38,Ac 22:8 26:9
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