Lihat definisi kata "Bestow" dalam Studi Kata
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BESTOW [isbe]

BESTOW - be-sto': The seven Hebrew words rendered by this term variously mean "to put" or "place," "to give"; "do," "deposit," as e.g. to locate chariots and horsemen in cities (1 Ki 10:26); or give a blessing (Ex 32:29). Four Greek words so translated signify "to give," "to labor," "to feed," "to place around"; as sunago, "to stow away goods" (Lk 12:17); or psomizo, "give away" (1 Cor 13:3). The term has richest significance in expressing God's abundant gift of grace and love, didomi (2 Cor 8:1 the King James Version; 1 Jn 3:1).

Lihat definisi kata "Bestow" dalam Studi Kata

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