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Teks -- Yosua 7:25 (TB)

Tampilkan Strong
7:25 Berkatalah Yosua: "Seperti engkau mencelakakan kami, maka TUHAN pun mencelakakan engkau pada hari ini." Lalu seluruh Israel melontari dia dengan batu, semuanya itu dibakar dengan api dan dilempari dengan batu.
Paralel   Ref. Silang (TSK)   Ref. Silang (FULL)   ITL  

Nama Orang, Nama Tempat, Topik/Tema Kamus

Nama Orang dan Nama Tempat:
 · anak Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · Anak perempuan Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · bangsa Israel the nation that descended from Jacob, whom God named Israel; the Jewish people,son of Isaac son of Abraham; founder of the nation of Israel,the nation of Israel under Moses, Joshua and the judges,the kingdom of Israel under King Saul,the northern tribes under Ish-Bosheth & Abner,the Kingdom of Israel as united under David and Solomon,the Northern Kingdom as divided from Judah, Simeon and Benjamin,the post exile Jewish community; the re-established Israel,the post exile lay community; Israelites other than Levites,Israel in general as in the Psalms and the prophets,the phrase "All Israel",the phrase "Assembly of (United) Israel",the phrase "Border(s) of Israel",the phrase "Children of Israel",the phrase "Congregation of Israel",the phrase "Descendants" or "Offspring of Israel",the phrase "Elders of Israel",the phrase "God of Israel",the phrase "Hill country of Israel",the phrase "Holy One of Israel",the phrase "House of Israel",the phrases "Judge(d) Israel; judge(s) of Israel",the phrase "King of Israel",the phrase "King over Israel",the phrase "Kings of Israel",the phrase "Land of Israel",the phrase "Leaders in/of Israel; take the lead in Israel",the phrase "Man of Israel",the phrase "Men of Israel",the phrase "Mountains of Israel",the phrase "O house of Israel",the phrase "O Israel",the phrase "His people Israel",the phrase "My people Israel",the phrase "Thy people Israel",the phrase "People of Israel",the phrase "Prince(s) in/of/over Israel",the phrase "Reign over Israel",the phrase "Shepherd(s) of Israel",the phrase "Sons of Israel",the phrase "Territory of Israel",the phrase "Throne in/over/of Israel",the phrase "Tribes of Israel",the phrase "Virgin of Israel"
 · Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · kaum Israel the nation that descended from Jacob, whom God named Israel; the Jewish people,son of Isaac son of Abraham; founder of the nation of Israel,the nation of Israel under Moses, Joshua and the judges,the kingdom of Israel under King Saul,the northern tribes under Ish-Bosheth & Abner,the Kingdom of Israel as united under David and Solomon,the Northern Kingdom as divided from Judah, Simeon and Benjamin,the post exile Jewish community; the re-established Israel,the post exile lay community; Israelites other than Levites,Israel in general as in the Psalms and the prophets,the phrase "All Israel",the phrase "Assembly of (United) Israel",the phrase "Border(s) of Israel",the phrase "Children of Israel",the phrase "Congregation of Israel",the phrase "Descendants" or "Offspring of Israel",the phrase "Elders of Israel",the phrase "God of Israel",the phrase "Hill country of Israel",the phrase "Holy One of Israel",the phrase "House of Israel",the phrases "Judge(d) Israel; judge(s) of Israel",the phrase "King of Israel",the phrase "King over Israel",the phrase "Kings of Israel",the phrase "Land of Israel",the phrase "Leaders in/of Israel; take the lead in Israel",the phrase "Man of Israel",the phrase "Men of Israel",the phrase "Mountains of Israel",the phrase "O house of Israel",the phrase "O Israel",the phrase "His people Israel",the phrase "My people Israel",the phrase "Thy people Israel",the phrase "People of Israel",the phrase "Prince(s) in/of/over Israel",the phrase "Reign over Israel",the phrase "Shepherd(s) of Israel",the phrase "Sons of Israel",the phrase "Territory of Israel",the phrase "Throne in/over/of Israel",the phrase "Tribes of Israel",the phrase "Virgin of Israel"
 · orang Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · orang-orang Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · seorang Ismael a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · seorang Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · suku Israel the nation that descended from Jacob, whom God named Israel; the Jewish people,son of Isaac son of Abraham; founder of the nation of Israel,the nation of Israel under Moses, Joshua and the judges,the kingdom of Israel under King Saul,the northern tribes under Ish-Bosheth & Abner,the Kingdom of Israel as united under David and Solomon,the Northern Kingdom as divided from Judah, Simeon and Benjamin,the post exile Jewish community; the re-established Israel,the post exile lay community; Israelites other than Levites,Israel in general as in the Psalms and the prophets,the phrase "All Israel",the phrase "Assembly of (United) Israel",the phrase "Border(s) of Israel",the phrase "Children of Israel",the phrase "Congregation of Israel",the phrase "Descendants" or "Offspring of Israel",the phrase "Elders of Israel",the phrase "God of Israel",the phrase "Hill country of Israel",the phrase "Holy One of Israel",the phrase "House of Israel",the phrases "Judge(d) Israel; judge(s) of Israel",the phrase "King of Israel",the phrase "King over Israel",the phrase "Kings of Israel",the phrase "Land of Israel",the phrase "Leaders in/of Israel; take the lead in Israel",the phrase "Man of Israel",the phrase "Men of Israel",the phrase "Mountains of Israel",the phrase "O house of Israel",the phrase "O Israel",the phrase "His people Israel",the phrase "My people Israel",the phrase "Thy people Israel",the phrase "People of Israel",the phrase "Prince(s) in/of/over Israel",the phrase "Reign over Israel",the phrase "Shepherd(s) of Israel",the phrase "Sons of Israel",the phrase "Territory of Israel",the phrase "Throne in/over/of Israel",the phrase "Tribes of Israel",the phrase "Virgin of Israel"
 · umat Israel the nation that descended from Jacob, whom God named Israel; the Jewish people,son of Isaac son of Abraham; founder of the nation of Israel,the nation of Israel under Moses, Joshua and the judges,the kingdom of Israel under King Saul,the northern tribes under Ish-Bosheth & Abner,the Kingdom of Israel as united under David and Solomon,the Northern Kingdom as divided from Judah, Simeon and Benjamin,the post exile Jewish community; the re-established Israel,the post exile lay community; Israelites other than Levites,Israel in general as in the Psalms and the prophets,the phrase "All Israel",the phrase "Assembly of (United) Israel",the phrase "Border(s) of Israel",the phrase "Children of Israel",the phrase "Congregation of Israel",the phrase "Descendants" or "Offspring of Israel",the phrase "Elders of Israel",the phrase "God of Israel",the phrase "Hill country of Israel",the phrase "Holy One of Israel",the phrase "House of Israel",the phrases "Judge(d) Israel; judge(s) of Israel",the phrase "King of Israel",the phrase "King over Israel",the phrase "Kings of Israel",the phrase "Land of Israel",the phrase "Leaders in/of Israel; take the lead in Israel",the phrase "Man of Israel",the phrase "Men of Israel",the phrase "Mountains of Israel",the phrase "O house of Israel",the phrase "O Israel",the phrase "His people Israel",the phrase "My people Israel",the phrase "Thy people Israel",the phrase "People of Israel",the phrase "Prince(s) in/of/over Israel",the phrase "Reign over Israel",the phrase "Shepherd(s) of Israel",the phrase "Sons of Israel",the phrase "Territory of Israel",the phrase "Throne in/over/of Israel",the phrase "Tribes of Israel",the phrase "Virgin of Israel"
 · Yakub the second so of a pair of twins born to Isaac and Rebeccaa; ancestor of the 12 tribes of Israel,the nation of Israel,a person, male,son of Isaac; Israel the man and nation
 · Yesua a son of Eliezer; the father of Er; an ancestor of Jesus,the son of Nun and successor of Moses,son of Nun of Ephraim; successor to Moses,a man: owner of the field where the ark stopped,governor of Jerusalem under King Josiah,son of Jehozadak; high priest in the time of Zerubbabel
 · Yosua a son of Eliezer; the father of Er; an ancestor of Jesus,the son of Nun and successor of Moses,son of Nun of Ephraim; successor to Moses,a man: owner of the field where the ark stopped,governor of Jerusalem under King Josiah,son of Jehozadak; high priest in the time of Zerubbabel

Topik/Tema Kamus: Yosua | Sidang, Persidangan Pengadilan | Tanah Palestina | Hukuman | Hukum, Hukuman | Akhan | Benyamin | selebihnya
Daftar Isi

Catatan Kata/Frasa
Full Life , Jerusalem , Ref. Silang FULL

Catatan Rentang Ayat
Matthew Henry , SH

kecilkan semua
Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Kata/Frasa (per frasa)

Full Life: Yos 7:1-26 - AKHAN ... MURKA TUHAN. Nas : Yos 7:1-26 Dosa Akhan, dampaknya bagi Israel, dan hukuman keras atas Akhan dan keluarganya menyatakan berbagai prinsip hukuman ketika umat Al...

Nas : Yos 7:1-26

Dosa Akhan, dampaknya bagi Israel, dan hukuman keras atas Akhan dan keluarganya menyatakan berbagai prinsip hukuman ketika umat Allah berbuat dosa dengan terang-terangan.

  1. 1) Apabila terjadi dosa yang hebat, atau sikap membiarkan dosa yang hebat di kalangan umat Allah, maka berkat-Nya dapat berkurang, terhalang, atau hilang sama sekali. Allah tidak akan memberkati umat yang menolak untuk menyingkirkan dosa dari tengah-tengah mereka (ayat Yos 7:1,11-13,20-21,25; bd. 1Kor 5:1-13).
  2. 2) Dosa yang terang-terangan di tengah-tengah jemaat memperhadapkan anggota-anggotanya kepada pengaruh merusak dari musuh di luar (mis. Iblis dan dunia, ayat Yos 7:4-13).
  3. 3) Apabila dosa semacam itu dibiarkan dan tidak ditegur, maka pada akhirnya itu akan mendatangkan hukuman (ayat Yos 7:13). Akan tetapi, jika dosa itu disingkapkan, diakui, dan disingkirkan, maka berkat, kehadiran, dan kasih karunia Allah akan kembali (ayat Yos 7:22-26; Yos 8:1,18-19; bd. Kis 4:31-5:11).
  4. 4) Oleh karena itu, dosa di antara umat Allah harus diperhatikan dengan sungguh-sungguh. Kemurnian harus dijaga dan ketaatan harus dituntut; jikalau tidak, perkembangan rohani jemaat akan terhambat atau terhenti sama sekali (bd. Wahy 3:1-3,14-18).

Full Life: Yos 7:25 - MELONTARI DIA DENGAN BATU. Nas : Yos 7:25 Tujuan abadi dari Akhan dan keluarganya tidak dapat ditentukan dengan mudah. PL menekankan kematian jasmani sebagai hukuman atas dos...

Nas : Yos 7:25

Tujuan abadi dari Akhan dan keluarganya tidak dapat ditentukan dengan mudah. PL menekankan kematian jasmani sebagai hukuman atas dosa, tetapi tidak jelas hubungannya dengan hukuman akhir yang abadi dari setiap orang.

Jerusalem: Yos 7:25 - semuanya itu Ini sebuah sisipan mengenai keluaran dan harta milik Akhan.

Ini sebuah sisipan mengenai keluaran dan harta milik Akhan.

Ref. Silang FULL: Yos 7:25 - engkau mencelakakan // Israel melontari // batu, semuanya · engkau mencelakakan: Yos 6:18; Yos 6:18 · Israel melontari: Im 20:2; Im 20:2; Ul 17:5; 1Raj 12:18; 2Taw 10:18; 24:21; Neh 9:26 ·...

· engkau mencelakakan: Yos 6:18; [Lihat FULL. Yos 6:18]

· Israel melontari: Im 20:2; [Lihat FULL. Im 20:2]; Ul 17:5; 1Raj 12:18; 2Taw 10:18; 24:21; Neh 9:26

· batu, semuanya: Kej 38:24; [Lihat FULL. Kej 38:24]

buka semua
Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Rentang Ayat

Matthew Henry: Yos 7:16-26 - Dakwaan terhadap Akhan; Pengakuan Akhan; Penghukuman terhadap Akhan Dakwaan terhadap Akhan; Pengakuan Akhan; Penghukuman terhadap Akhan (7:16-26) ...

SH: Yos 7:16-26 - Memurnikan hidup (Senin, 25 Juli 2011) Memurnikan hidup Judul: Memurnikan hidup Dosa adalah persoalan serius di mata Tuhan. Pelanggaran terha...

SH: Yos 7:1-26 - Lepas kendali. Hancur! (Jumat, 21 Juli 2006) Lepas kendali. Hancur! Judul: Lepas kendali. Hancur! Kemenangan dapat membuat orang terlena sehin...

SH: Yos 7:1-15 - Dosa dan ketidakpekaan rohani (Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011) Dosa dan ketidakpekaan rohani Judul: Dosa dan ketidakpekaan rohani Baru saja Israel menang atas kota Y...

buka semua
Pendahuluan / Garis Besar

Full Life: Yosua (Pendahuluan Kitab) Penulis : Yosua Tema : Menaklukkan Kanaan Tanggal Penulisan: Abad ke-1...

Full Life: Yosua (Garis Besar) Garis Besar I. Persiapan untuk Masuk dan Menduduki Kanaan (...

Matthew Henry: Yosua (Pendahuluan Kitab) ...


Ende: Yosua (Pendahuluan Kitab) JOSJUA TJATATAN TENTANG SENI PENULIS SEDJARAH DALAM PERDJANDJIAN LAMA Permulaan seri kitab2 Perdjandian Lama, jang ...

BIS: Yosua (Pendahuluan Kitab) YOSUA PENGANTAR Buku Yosua adalah buku tentang kisah bangsa Israel ketika mereka merebut negeri Kanaan di bawa...

Ajaran: Yosua (Pendahuluan Kitab) Tujuan Supaya dengan mengetahui isi kitab Yosua, anggota Jemaat mengerti dan yakin ada kuasa dan kesetiaan Allah dala...

Intisari: Yosua (Pendahuluan Kitab) Merebut Tanah Kanaan BAGAIMANA KITAB ITU DITULISYosua lebih dikenal sebagai pahlawan daripada sebagai penulis kitab itu....

Garis Besar Intisari: Yosua (Pendahuluan Kitab) [1] MEMASUKI TANAH PERJANJIAN Yos 1:1-5:12...

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