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Teks -- Kejadian 1:24 (TB)

Tampilkan Strong
1:24 Berfirmanlah Allah: "Hendaklah bumi mengeluarkan segala jenis makhluk yang hidup, ternak dan binatang melata dan segala jenis binatang liar." Dan jadilah demikian.
Paralel   Ref. Silang (TSK)   Ref. Silang (FULL)   ITL  

Nama Orang, Nama Tempat, Topik/Tema Kamus

Nama Orang dan Nama Tempat:
 · anak Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · Anak perempuan Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · bangsa Israel the nation that descended from Jacob, whom God named Israel; the Jewish people,son of Isaac son of Abraham; founder of the nation of Israel,the nation of Israel under Moses, Joshua and the judges,the kingdom of Israel under King Saul,the northern tribes under Ish-Bosheth & Abner,the Kingdom of Israel as united under David and Solomon,the Northern Kingdom as divided from Judah, Simeon and Benjamin,the post exile Jewish community; the re-established Israel,the post exile lay community; Israelites other than Levites,Israel in general as in the Psalms and the prophets,the phrase "All Israel",the phrase "Assembly of (United) Israel",the phrase "Border(s) of Israel",the phrase "Children of Israel",the phrase "Congregation of Israel",the phrase "Descendants" or "Offspring of Israel",the phrase "Elders of Israel",the phrase "God of Israel",the phrase "Hill country of Israel",the phrase "Holy One of Israel",the phrase "House of Israel",the phrases "Judge(d) Israel; judge(s) of Israel",the phrase "King of Israel",the phrase "King over Israel",the phrase "Kings of Israel",the phrase "Land of Israel",the phrase "Leaders in/of Israel; take the lead in Israel",the phrase "Man of Israel",the phrase "Men of Israel",the phrase "Mountains of Israel",the phrase "O house of Israel",the phrase "O Israel",the phrase "His people Israel",the phrase "My people Israel",the phrase "Thy people Israel",the phrase "People of Israel",the phrase "Prince(s) in/of/over Israel",the phrase "Reign over Israel",the phrase "Shepherd(s) of Israel",the phrase "Sons of Israel",the phrase "Territory of Israel",the phrase "Throne in/over/of Israel",the phrase "Tribes of Israel",the phrase "Virgin of Israel"
 · Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · kaum Israel the nation that descended from Jacob, whom God named Israel; the Jewish people,son of Isaac son of Abraham; founder of the nation of Israel,the nation of Israel under Moses, Joshua and the judges,the kingdom of Israel under King Saul,the northern tribes under Ish-Bosheth & Abner,the Kingdom of Israel as united under David and Solomon,the Northern Kingdom as divided from Judah, Simeon and Benjamin,the post exile Jewish community; the re-established Israel,the post exile lay community; Israelites other than Levites,Israel in general as in the Psalms and the prophets,the phrase "All Israel",the phrase "Assembly of (United) Israel",the phrase "Border(s) of Israel",the phrase "Children of Israel",the phrase "Congregation of Israel",the phrase "Descendants" or "Offspring of Israel",the phrase "Elders of Israel",the phrase "God of Israel",the phrase "Hill country of Israel",the phrase "Holy One of Israel",the phrase "House of Israel",the phrases "Judge(d) Israel; judge(s) of Israel",the phrase "King of Israel",the phrase "King over Israel",the phrase "Kings of Israel",the phrase "Land of Israel",the phrase "Leaders in/of Israel; take the lead in Israel",the phrase "Man of Israel",the phrase "Men of Israel",the phrase "Mountains of Israel",the phrase "O house of Israel",the phrase "O Israel",the phrase "His people Israel",the phrase "My people Israel",the phrase "Thy people Israel",the phrase "People of Israel",the phrase "Prince(s) in/of/over Israel",the phrase "Reign over Israel",the phrase "Shepherd(s) of Israel",the phrase "Sons of Israel",the phrase "Territory of Israel",the phrase "Throne in/over/of Israel",the phrase "Tribes of Israel",the phrase "Virgin of Israel"
 · orang Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · orang-orang Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · seorang Ismael a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · seorang Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · suku Israel the nation that descended from Jacob, whom God named Israel; the Jewish people,son of Isaac son of Abraham; founder of the nation of Israel,the nation of Israel under Moses, Joshua and the judges,the kingdom of Israel under King Saul,the northern tribes under Ish-Bosheth & Abner,the Kingdom of Israel as united under David and Solomon,the Northern Kingdom as divided from Judah, Simeon and Benjamin,the post exile Jewish community; the re-established Israel,the post exile lay community; Israelites other than Levites,Israel in general as in the Psalms and the prophets,the phrase "All Israel",the phrase "Assembly of (United) Israel",the phrase "Border(s) of Israel",the phrase "Children of Israel",the phrase "Congregation of Israel",the phrase "Descendants" or "Offspring of Israel",the phrase "Elders of Israel",the phrase "God of Israel",the phrase "Hill country of Israel",the phrase "Holy One of Israel",the phrase "House of Israel",the phrases "Judge(d) Israel; judge(s) of Israel",the phrase "King of Israel",the phrase "King over Israel",the phrase "Kings of Israel",the phrase "Land of Israel",the phrase "Leaders in/of Israel; take the lead in Israel",the phrase "Man of Israel",the phrase "Men of Israel",the phrase "Mountains of Israel",the phrase "O house of Israel",the phrase "O Israel",the phrase "His people Israel",the phrase "My people Israel",the phrase "Thy people Israel",the phrase "People of Israel",the phrase "Prince(s) in/of/over Israel",the phrase "Reign over Israel",the phrase "Shepherd(s) of Israel",the phrase "Sons of Israel",the phrase "Territory of Israel",the phrase "Throne in/over/of Israel",the phrase "Tribes of Israel",the phrase "Virgin of Israel"
 · umat Israel the nation that descended from Jacob, whom God named Israel; the Jewish people,son of Isaac son of Abraham; founder of the nation of Israel,the nation of Israel under Moses, Joshua and the judges,the kingdom of Israel under King Saul,the northern tribes under Ish-Bosheth & Abner,the Kingdom of Israel as united under David and Solomon,the Northern Kingdom as divided from Judah, Simeon and Benjamin,the post exile Jewish community; the re-established Israel,the post exile lay community; Israelites other than Levites,Israel in general as in the Psalms and the prophets,the phrase "All Israel",the phrase "Assembly of (United) Israel",the phrase "Border(s) of Israel",the phrase "Children of Israel",the phrase "Congregation of Israel",the phrase "Descendants" or "Offspring of Israel",the phrase "Elders of Israel",the phrase "God of Israel",the phrase "Hill country of Israel",the phrase "Holy One of Israel",the phrase "House of Israel",the phrases "Judge(d) Israel; judge(s) of Israel",the phrase "King of Israel",the phrase "King over Israel",the phrase "Kings of Israel",the phrase "Land of Israel",the phrase "Leaders in/of Israel; take the lead in Israel",the phrase "Man of Israel",the phrase "Men of Israel",the phrase "Mountains of Israel",the phrase "O house of Israel",the phrase "O Israel",the phrase "His people Israel",the phrase "My people Israel",the phrase "Thy people Israel",the phrase "People of Israel",the phrase "Prince(s) in/of/over Israel",the phrase "Reign over Israel",the phrase "Shepherd(s) of Israel",the phrase "Sons of Israel",the phrase "Territory of Israel",the phrase "Throne in/over/of Israel",the phrase "Tribes of Israel",the phrase "Virgin of Israel"
 · Yakub the second so of a pair of twins born to Isaac and Rebeccaa; ancestor of the 12 tribes of Israel,the nation of Israel,a person, male,son of Isaac; Israel the man and nation

Topik/Tema Kamus: Binatang | Cipta, Penciptaan | Binatang Menjalar | Serangga | Hidup | Cipta, Ciptaan | Sejarah Purba | Kodeks Imamat Atau Tulisan Imamat | Pentateukh | Sabat | Berita Ganda | selebihnya
Daftar Isi

Catatan Kata/Frasa
Jerusalem , Ref. Silang FULL

Catatan Rentang Ayat
Matthew Henry , SH , Utley

kecilkan semua
Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Kata/Frasa (per frasa)

Jerusalem: Kej 1:1--2:4 - -- Menurut para ahli Kitab Suci kisah penciptaan ini berasal dari kalangan Para Imam. Ia lebih abstrak dan teologis dari pada kisah berikutnya, Kej 2:4-2...

Menurut para ahli Kitab Suci kisah penciptaan ini berasal dari kalangan Para Imam. Ia lebih abstrak dan teologis dari pada kisah berikutnya, Kej 2:4-25. Pengarang kisah pertama ini bermaksud mengelompokkan semua makhluk dengan cara yang ditinjau dari segi logika dapat memuaskan dan yang mencakup segala sesuatu yang dijadikan Allah. Dengan berpegangan pada suatu bagan yang rapih tersusun pengarang mengisahkan karya penciptaan dalam rangka satu minggu. Karya Allah berakhir dengan beristirahat, sebagaimana orang beristirahat pada hari Sabat. Semua makhluk mulai berada atas kehendak Allah. Mula-mula diciptakan apa yang rendah martabatnya, lalu yang lain-lain sampai dengan makhluk yang paling mulia, yaitu manusia, gambaran Allah dan raja alam semesta. Kisah penciptaan ini disusun berdasarkan ilmu pengetahuan yang amat primitip. Karenanya tidak berguna sama sekali berusaha menyesuaikan kisah ini dengan ilmu pengetahuan modern. Tetapi dalam bentuk yang sesuai dengan zaman penyusunannya kisah ini menyajikan ajaran berupa wahyu mengenai Allah yang esa dan transenden, Allah yang ada sebelum dunia dan yang menciptakan segala sesuatu. Dan inilah ajaran yang berlaku bagi segala zaman.

Jerusalem: Kej 1:24 - binatang melata Harafiah: sengaja sesuatu yang merayap (atau: bergerak, Kej 1:21). Termasuk ke dalamnya ular, cicak dsb, tetapi juga serangga dan binatang-binatang ke...

Harafiah: sengaja sesuatu yang merayap (atau: bergerak, Kej 1:21). Termasuk ke dalamnya ular, cicak dsb, tetapi juga serangga dan binatang-binatang kecil lainnya.

Ref. Silang FULL: Kej 1:24 - segala jenis // makhluk // Dan jadilah · segala jenis: Kej 2:19 · makhluk: Kej 1:11; Kej 1:11 · Dan jadilah: Kej 1:7; Kej 1:7

· segala jenis: Kej 2:19

· makhluk: Kej 1:11; [Lihat FULL. Kej 1:11]

· Dan jadilah: Kej 1:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 1:7]

buka semua
Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Rentang Ayat

Matthew Henry: Kej 1:24-25 - Penciptaan Hari Keenam Penciptaan Hari Keenam (Kejadian 1:24-25) ...

SH: Kej 1:24-31 - Beriman? Pelihara bumi! (Senin, 3 Januari 2011) Beriman? Pelihara bumi! Judul: Beriman? Pelihara bumi! Setelah menciptakan hewan yang hidup di udara d...

SH: Kej 1:14-25 - Di mana tempat mereka sebenarnya? (Rabu, 29 Januari 2003) Di mana tempat mereka sebenarnya? Di mana tempat mereka sebenarnya? Bagi bangsa-bangsa lain tetangga-...

SH: Kej 1:14-25 - Semua untuk manusia (Senin, 31 Maret 2008) Semua untuk manusia Judul: Semua untuk manusia Sebagaimana penciptaan tiga hari pertama mempersiapkan ...

SH: Kej 1:1--2:7 - Allah yang Teratur (Jumat, 20 April 2018) Allah yang Teratur Hakikat kehidupan berawal dari Allah (1). Allah menciptakan alam semesta dalam keteraturan. Ga...

SH: Kej 1:1--2:7 - Kacamata Iman (Jumat, 19 April 2024) Kacamata Iman Kitab Kejadian dengan jelas memberi tahu kita bahwa segala sesuatu berasal dari Allah. Tidak ada sa...

Utley: Kej 1:24-25 - --NASKAH NASB (UPDATED): Kej 1:24-252...

buka semua
Pendahuluan / Garis Besar

Full Life: Kejadian (Pendahuluan Kitab) Penulis : Musa Tema : Permulaan Tanggal Penulisan: + 1445 -- 1405 SM...

Full Life: Kejadian (Garis Besar) Garis Besar I. Permulaan Sejarah Manusia (...

Matthew Henry: Kejadian (Pendahuluan Kitab) Di hadapan kita sekarang ada Kitab Suci, atau buku, sebab itulah arti...

Jerusalem: Kejadian (Pendahuluan Kitab) PENGANTAR JUDUL-JUDUL, PEMBAGIAN DAN ISI Kelima buku pertama Kitab Suci me...

Ende: Kejadian (Pendahuluan Kitab) KEDJADIAN KATA PENDAHULUAN Perintjian Kitab Perdjandjian Lama Perdjandjian Lama terdiri dari 45 kitab, ja...

BIS: Kejadian (Pendahuluan Kitab) KEJADIAN PENGANTAR Buku Kejadian mengisahkan penciptaan alam semesta, asal-usul umat manusia, pangkal dosa dan...

Ajaran: Kejadian (Pendahuluan Kitab) Tujuan Supaya dengan mengetahui isi kitab Kejadian, dapat memahami kekuasaan Allah dalam sejarah penciptaan, serta ku...

Intisari: Kejadian (Pendahuluan Kitab) Segalanya Bermula Dari Sini PENTINGNYA KITAB KEJADIANIsi Alkitab tidak akan berarti banyak tanpa Kitab Kejadian. Kitab in...

Garis Besar Intisari: Kejadian (Pendahuluan Kitab) [1] RIWAYAT UMAT MANUSIA Kej 1:1-11:30...

Advanced Commentary (Kamus, Lagu-Lagu Himne, Gambar, Ilustrasi Khotbah, Pertanyaan-Pertanyaan, dll)

TIP #25: Tekan Tombol pada halaman Studi Kamus untuk melihat bahan lain berbahasa inggris. [SEMUA]
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