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Teks -- 2 Samuel 11:1 (TB)

Tampilkan Strong
Daud dan Batsyeba
11:1 Pada pergantian tahun, pada waktu raja-raja biasanya maju berperang, maka Daud menyuruh Yoab maju beserta orang-orangnya dan seluruh orang Israel. Mereka memusnahkan bani Amon dan mengepung kota Raba, sedang Daud sendiri tinggal di Yerusalem.
Paralel   Ref. Silang (TSK)   Ref. Silang (FULL)   ITL  

Nama Orang, Nama Tempat, Topik/Tema Kamus

Nama Orang dan Nama Tempat:
 · Amon a son of Manasseh; the father of Josiah and an ancestor of Jesus,governor of the Town of Samaria under King Ahab,son and successor of King Manasseh,a man who, with his sons, were servants of Solomon
 · anak Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · Anak perempuan Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · bangsa Israel the nation that descended from Jacob, whom God named Israel; the Jewish people,son of Isaac son of Abraham; founder of the nation of Israel,the nation of Israel under Moses, Joshua and the judges,the kingdom of Israel under King Saul,the northern tribes under Ish-Bosheth & Abner,the Kingdom of Israel as united under David and Solomon,the Northern Kingdom as divided from Judah, Simeon and Benjamin,the post exile Jewish community; the re-established Israel,the post exile lay community; Israelites other than Levites,Israel in general as in the Psalms and the prophets,the phrase "All Israel",the phrase "Assembly of (United) Israel",the phrase "Border(s) of Israel",the phrase "Children of Israel",the phrase "Congregation of Israel",the phrase "Descendants" or "Offspring of Israel",the phrase "Elders of Israel",the phrase "God of Israel",the phrase "Hill country of Israel",the phrase "Holy One of Israel",the phrase "House of Israel",the phrases "Judge(d) Israel; judge(s) of Israel",the phrase "King of Israel",the phrase "King over Israel",the phrase "Kings of Israel",the phrase "Land of Israel",the phrase "Leaders in/of Israel; take the lead in Israel",the phrase "Man of Israel",the phrase "Men of Israel",the phrase "Mountains of Israel",the phrase "O house of Israel",the phrase "O Israel",the phrase "His people Israel",the phrase "My people Israel",the phrase "Thy people Israel",the phrase "People of Israel",the phrase "Prince(s) in/of/over Israel",the phrase "Reign over Israel",the phrase "Shepherd(s) of Israel",the phrase "Sons of Israel",the phrase "Territory of Israel",the phrase "Throne in/over/of Israel",the phrase "Tribes of Israel",the phrase "Virgin of Israel"
 · bani Amon the tribe/nation of people descended from Ben-Ammi, Lot's son,Territory of the tribe/nation of Ammon
 · Daud a son of Jesse of Judah; king of Israel,son of Jesse of Judah; king of Israel
 · Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · kaum Israel the nation that descended from Jacob, whom God named Israel; the Jewish people,son of Isaac son of Abraham; founder of the nation of Israel,the nation of Israel under Moses, Joshua and the judges,the kingdom of Israel under King Saul,the northern tribes under Ish-Bosheth & Abner,the Kingdom of Israel as united under David and Solomon,the Northern Kingdom as divided from Judah, Simeon and Benjamin,the post exile Jewish community; the re-established Israel,the post exile lay community; Israelites other than Levites,Israel in general as in the Psalms and the prophets,the phrase "All Israel",the phrase "Assembly of (United) Israel",the phrase "Border(s) of Israel",the phrase "Children of Israel",the phrase "Congregation of Israel",the phrase "Descendants" or "Offspring of Israel",the phrase "Elders of Israel",the phrase "God of Israel",the phrase "Hill country of Israel",the phrase "Holy One of Israel",the phrase "House of Israel",the phrases "Judge(d) Israel; judge(s) of Israel",the phrase "King of Israel",the phrase "King over Israel",the phrase "Kings of Israel",the phrase "Land of Israel",the phrase "Leaders in/of Israel; take the lead in Israel",the phrase "Man of Israel",the phrase "Men of Israel",the phrase "Mountains of Israel",the phrase "O house of Israel",the phrase "O Israel",the phrase "His people Israel",the phrase "My people Israel",the phrase "Thy people Israel",the phrase "People of Israel",the phrase "Prince(s) in/of/over Israel",the phrase "Reign over Israel",the phrase "Shepherd(s) of Israel",the phrase "Sons of Israel",the phrase "Territory of Israel",the phrase "Throne in/over/of Israel",the phrase "Tribes of Israel",the phrase "Virgin of Israel"
 · orang Amon member(s) of the tribe/nation of Ammon
 · orang Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · orang-orang Amon the tribe/nation of people descended from Ben-Ammi, Lot's son,Territory of the tribe/nation of Ammon
 · orang-orang Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · perempuan Amon the tribe/nation of people descended from Ben-Ammi, Lot's son,Territory of the tribe/nation of Ammon
 · Raba a town; the capital of the nation of Ammon. It is now called Amman, the capital of Jordan.,a town in the hill country of Judah
 · seorang Ismael a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · seorang Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · seorang perempuan Amon member(s) of the tribe/nation of Ammon
 · suku Israel the nation that descended from Jacob, whom God named Israel; the Jewish people,son of Isaac son of Abraham; founder of the nation of Israel,the nation of Israel under Moses, Joshua and the judges,the kingdom of Israel under King Saul,the northern tribes under Ish-Bosheth & Abner,the Kingdom of Israel as united under David and Solomon,the Northern Kingdom as divided from Judah, Simeon and Benjamin,the post exile Jewish community; the re-established Israel,the post exile lay community; Israelites other than Levites,Israel in general as in the Psalms and the prophets,the phrase "All Israel",the phrase "Assembly of (United) Israel",the phrase "Border(s) of Israel",the phrase "Children of Israel",the phrase "Congregation of Israel",the phrase "Descendants" or "Offspring of Israel",the phrase "Elders of Israel",the phrase "God of Israel",the phrase "Hill country of Israel",the phrase "Holy One of Israel",the phrase "House of Israel",the phrases "Judge(d) Israel; judge(s) of Israel",the phrase "King of Israel",the phrase "King over Israel",the phrase "Kings of Israel",the phrase "Land of Israel",the phrase "Leaders in/of Israel; take the lead in Israel",the phrase "Man of Israel",the phrase "Men of Israel",the phrase "Mountains of Israel",the phrase "O house of Israel",the phrase "O Israel",the phrase "His people Israel",the phrase "My people Israel",the phrase "Thy people Israel",the phrase "People of Israel",the phrase "Prince(s) in/of/over Israel",the phrase "Reign over Israel",the phrase "Shepherd(s) of Israel",the phrase "Sons of Israel",the phrase "Territory of Israel",the phrase "Throne in/over/of Israel",the phrase "Tribes of Israel",the phrase "Virgin of Israel"
 · umat Israel the nation that descended from Jacob, whom God named Israel; the Jewish people,son of Isaac son of Abraham; founder of the nation of Israel,the nation of Israel under Moses, Joshua and the judges,the kingdom of Israel under King Saul,the northern tribes under Ish-Bosheth & Abner,the Kingdom of Israel as united under David and Solomon,the Northern Kingdom as divided from Judah, Simeon and Benjamin,the post exile Jewish community; the re-established Israel,the post exile lay community; Israelites other than Levites,Israel in general as in the Psalms and the prophets,the phrase "All Israel",the phrase "Assembly of (United) Israel",the phrase "Border(s) of Israel",the phrase "Children of Israel",the phrase "Congregation of Israel",the phrase "Descendants" or "Offspring of Israel",the phrase "Elders of Israel",the phrase "God of Israel",the phrase "Hill country of Israel",the phrase "Holy One of Israel",the phrase "House of Israel",the phrases "Judge(d) Israel; judge(s) of Israel",the phrase "King of Israel",the phrase "King over Israel",the phrase "Kings of Israel",the phrase "Land of Israel",the phrase "Leaders in/of Israel; take the lead in Israel",the phrase "Man of Israel",the phrase "Men of Israel",the phrase "Mountains of Israel",the phrase "O house of Israel",the phrase "O Israel",the phrase "His people Israel",the phrase "My people Israel",the phrase "Thy people Israel",the phrase "People of Israel",the phrase "Prince(s) in/of/over Israel",the phrase "Reign over Israel",the phrase "Shepherd(s) of Israel",the phrase "Sons of Israel",the phrase "Territory of Israel",the phrase "Throne in/over/of Israel",the phrase "Tribes of Israel",the phrase "Virgin of Israel"
 · Yakub the second so of a pair of twins born to Isaac and Rebeccaa; ancestor of the 12 tribes of Israel,the nation of Israel,a person, male,son of Isaac; Israel the man and nation
 · Yerusalem the capital city of Israel,a town; the capital of Israel near the southern border of Benjamin
 · Yoab son of Asaph; record keeper of King Hezekiah,son of Zimmah one of the Levites of Gershon whom, along with his son Eden, King Hezekiah assigned to supervise the cleansing of the temple,son of Obed-Edom; a Levite gatekeeper whose descendants returned from exile,son of Joahaz; record keeper of King Josiah

Topik/Tema Kamus: Batsyeba | Daud | Kepung, Pengepungan | Tentara | Yoab | Uria | Sejarah, Penulisan | Ammon | Samuel | selebihnya
Daftar Isi

Catatan Kata/Frasa
Full Life , Jerusalem , Ende , Endetn , Ref. Silang FULL

Catatan Rentang Ayat
Matthew Henry , SH

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Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Kata/Frasa (per frasa)

Full Life: 2Sam 11:1 - DAUD SENDIRI TINGGAL DI YERUSALEM. Nas : 2Sam 11:1 Pasal 2Sam 11:1-27 mengisahkan dosa dan kejatuhan Daud yang tragis. Ganti memimpin pasukannya dalam peperangan sebagaimana yang dil...

Nas : 2Sam 11:1

Pasal 2Sam 11:1-27 mengisahkan dosa dan kejatuhan Daud yang tragis. Ganti memimpin pasukannya dalam peperangan sebagaimana yang dilakukan sebelumnya, Daud kini tinggal di Yerusalem. Daud sudah menjadi lembek dan sikap ini kemudian mengakibatkan kehancuran rohani dan moralnya. Hidupnya yang serba enak dan mewah sebagai raja membuatnya percaya diri dan menuruti keinginan sendiri. Sekitar waktu inilah dia berhenti menjadi orang yang berkenan di hati Allah (lih. 1Sam 13:14). Kejatuhan Daud dari kasih karunia (bd. Gal 5:4) merupakan peringatan bagi semua orang percaya, "Sebab itu siapa yang menyangka bahwa ia teguh berdiri, hati-hatilah supaya ia jangan jatuh!" (1Kor 10:12).

Jerusalem: 2Sam 9:1--20:22 - -- Bab 9-20 yang diteruskan dalam 1Ra 1-2 berasal dari sebuah kisah indah yang dipakai oleh penyusun kitab Samuel dengan tidak banyak mengolahnya. Nubuat...

Bab 9-20 yang diteruskan dalam 1Ra 1-2 berasal dari sebuah kisah indah yang dipakai oleh penyusun kitab Samuel dengan tidak banyak mengolahnya. Nubuat Natan, bab 7, barangkali berperan sebagai kata pendahuluan kisah itu. Diceriterakan bagaimana jabatan raja dari Daud beralih kepada Salomo, meskipun masih ada keturunan Saul, yaitu Meribaal, bab 9 dan meskipun ada perlawanan dari pihak Seba, bab 20 dan kendati hal ihwal keluarga raja yang menyedihkan, yakni: zinah Daud dengan Batsyeba dan kelahiran Salomo, bab 10-12, pembunuhan atas diri Amnon, bab 13, pemberontakan Absalom, bab 15-18, dan persekongkolan Adonia, 1Ra 1-2.

Jerusalem: 2Sam 11:1-27 - -- Dalam pendekatan penulis bab 9-20 perang dengan orang Amon hanya rangka bagi kisahnya mengenai Daud serta Batsyeba.

Dalam pendekatan penulis bab 9-20 perang dengan orang Amon hanya rangka bagi kisahnya mengenai Daud serta Batsyeba.

Jerusalem: 2Sam 11:1 - Pada pergantian tahun Ialah pada musim semi.

Ialah pada musim semi.

Ende: 2Sam 11:1 - -- Pergantian tahun (musim) ialah waktu musim hudjan berachir dan mulailah musim kering, hingga operasi2 militer tidak dihalangi hudjan.

Pergantian tahun (musim) ialah waktu musim hudjan berachir dan mulailah musim kering, hingga operasi2 militer tidak dihalangi hudjan.

Endetn: 2Sam 11:1 - para radja diperbaiki menurut beberapa naskah Hibrani, terdjemahan2 kuno dan 1Ta 20:1. Tertulis: "pesuruh2".

diperbaiki menurut beberapa naskah Hibrani, terdjemahan2 kuno dan 1Ta 20:1. Tertulis: "pesuruh2".

Ref. Silang FULL: 2Sam 11:1 - pergantian tahun // menyuruh Yoab // orang Israel // kota Raba · pergantian tahun: 1Raj 20:22,26 · menyuruh Yoab: 2Sam 2:18; 2Sam 2:18 · orang Israel: 1Taw 20:1 · kota Raba: Ul 3:11; Ul...

· pergantian tahun: 1Raj 20:22,26

· menyuruh Yoab: 2Sam 2:18; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 2:18]

· orang Israel: 1Taw 20:1

· kota Raba: Ul 3:11; [Lihat FULL. Ul 3:11]

buka semua
Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Rentang Ayat

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