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Teks -- 1 Tawarikh 15:18 (TB)

Tampilkan Strong
15:18 dan bersama-sama mereka itu saudara-saudara mereka dari tingkat kedua: Zakharia, Yaaziel, Semiramot, Yehiel, Uni, Eliab, Benaya, Maaseya, Matica, Elifele, Mikneya, dan Obed-Edom serta Yeiel, para penunggu pintu gerbang.
Paralel   Ref. Silang (TSK)   Ref. Silang (FULL)   ITL  

Nama Orang, Nama Tempat, Topik/Tema Kamus

Nama Orang dan Nama Tempat:
 · Benanya son of Jehoiada; commander of King Solomon's army,son of Jehoiada of Pirathon in Ephraim; one of David's elite,head of a large influential family of Simeon in Hezekiah's time,a Levite worship leader in David's time,a priest in David's time,father of Jehoiada, one of king David's counselors,son of Jeiel; a priest under Jehoshaphat,a man who was a temple helper in the time of Hezekiah,a layman of the Parosh clan who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Pahath-Moab clan who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Bani clan who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Nebo clan who put away his heathen wife,the father of Pelatiah, a wicked counselor exposed by Ezekiel
 · Benaya son of Jehoiada; commander of King Solomon's army,son of Jehoiada of Pirathon in Ephraim; one of David's elite,head of a large influential family of Simeon in Hezekiah's time,a Levite worship leader in David's time,a priest in David's time,father of Jehoiada, one of king David's counselors,son of Jeiel; a priest under Jehoshaphat,a man who was a temple helper in the time of Hezekiah,a layman of the Parosh clan who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Pahath-Moab clan who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Bani clan who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Nebo clan who put away his heathen wife,the father of Pelatiah, a wicked counselor exposed by Ezekiel
 · Eliab son of Helon; Moses' officer over the tribe of Zebulun,son of Pallu of Reuben; father of Dathan and Abiram,son of Jesse; brother of David,a Levite worship leader in David's time,a Gadite officer of Saul's who defected to David,son of Nahath/Toah/Tohu of Levi; Samuel's great grandfather
 · Elifele a Levite worship leader in David's time
 · Matica son of Shallum (Korah Levi) when exiles were returning,a Levite worship leader in David's time,son of Jeduthun the Levite worship leader under King David,a layman of the Nebo Clan who put away his heathen wife,a man who stood with Ezra when he read the law to the assembly
 · Mikneya a Levite worship leader in David's time
 · Obed-Edom a man to whom King David gave charge of the ark,a Levite worship leader and porter for the ark in David's time,a man of Gath in whose care David left the ark,a man taken away with the treasures of the temple
 · Obed-edom a man to whom King David gave charge of the ark,a Levite worship leader and porter for the ark in David's time,a man of Gath in whose care David left the ark,a man taken away with the treasures of the temple
 · Semiramot a Levite worship leader in David's time,a Levite whom Jehoshaphat sent to teach the law around Judah
 · Uni a Levite singer who returned with other exiles
 · Yaaziel a Levite worship leader in David's time
 · Yehiel a descendant of Shelah of Judah, who returned from exile with his family,one of the Levites of Elizaphan that King Hezekiah assigned to supervise the cleansing of the temple,head of a family group descended from Adonikam who returned from exile
 · Yeiel a descendant of Shelah of Judah, who returned from exile with his family,one of the Levites of Elizaphan that King Hezekiah assigned to supervise the cleansing of the temple,head of a family group descended from Adonikam who returned from exile
 · Yeuel a descendant of Shelah of Judah, who returned from exile with his family,one of the Levites of Elizaphan that King Hezekiah assigned to supervise the cleansing of the temple,head of a family group descended from Adonikam who returned from exile
 · Zakharia the father of John the baptist,a son of Berekiah, a righteous man who was killed by the Jewish authorities,son and successor of King Jeroboam,father of Abi, the mother of King Hezekiah,a leader of the tribe of Reuben,son of Meshelemiah; a door keeper for the tent of meeting,son of Jeiel and Maacah of Gibeon,a Levite gate keeper and harpist in David's time,a priest and trumpeter in David's time,son of Isshiah (Uzziel Kohath Levi),son of Hosah; a pre-exile Levite gatekeeper,a man of Manasseh in Gilead in Saul and David's time,a prince whom Jehoshaphat sent to teach the law around Judah,son of Benaiah (Asaph Levi),son of King Jehoshaphat,son of Jehoiada the priest; a prophet,a man who influenced King Uzziah for good,a Levite (Asaph) who helped Hezekiah cleanse the temple,a Levite (Kohath) who helped King Josiah restore the temple,a chief officer of the house of God in Josiah's time,son of Berechiah; a priest; writer of the book of Zechariah,leader among the Parosh clansmen who returned from exile,son of Bebai; leader among Bebai clansmen returned from exile,a lay man of the Elam Clan who put away his heathen wife,a man who stood with Ezra when he read the law to the assembly,son of Amariah of Judah,a descendant of Shelah,son of Pashhur; a priest whose descendants returned from exile,son of Jonathan (Asaph Levi),son of Jeberechiah; a witness to Isaiah's prophesy

Topik/Tema Kamus: Asaf | Daud | Raja | Yehiel | Yaalziel | Mikneya | Semiramot | Uni | Elifele | selebihnya
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Catatan Kata/Frasa
Jerusalem , Ref. Silang FULL

Catatan Rentang Ayat
Matthew Henry , SH

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Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Kata/Frasa (per frasa)

Jerusalem: 1Taw 15:1-24 - -- Dalam 1Ta 15:25 si Muwarikh kembali menuruti 2Samuel. Kitab Tawarikh semula rupanya hanya memuat 1Ta 15:1-3,11-15, yaitu didirikan sebuah kemah untuk ...

Dalam 1Ta 15:25 si Muwarikh kembali menuruti 2Samuel. Kitab Tawarikh semula rupanya hanya memuat 1Ta 15:1-3,11-15, yaitu didirikan sebuah kemah untuk mengurangi tabut perjanjian dan hukum kitab Imamat mengenai cara tabut itu harus diangkut. Karena hukum itu dilanggar maka Peres-Uza dahulu mengamali nasib malang, 1Ta 13:9 dst. kemudian berbagai tambahan diselipkan, yaitu: sebuah daftar imam-orang Lewi, 1Ta 15:4-10, sebuah catatan mengenai orkes yang sedang mengiringi tabut perjanjian, 1Ta 15:16-24.

Ref. Silang FULL: 1Taw 15:18 - dan Obed-Edom · dan Obed-Edom: 2Sam 6:10; 2Sam 6:10; 1Taw 26:4-5

· dan Obed-Edom: 2Sam 6:10; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 6:10]; 1Taw 26:4-5

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Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Rentang Ayat

Matthew Henry: 1Taw 15:1-24 - Pemindahan Tabut Allah Membawa tabut Allah ke dalam kota Daud merupakan pekerjaan yang amat baik. H...

SH: 1Taw 15:1--16:6 - Tugas khusus (Sabtu, 9 Februari 2002) Tugas khusus Tugas khusus. Hukuman Allah atas Uza membuat tugas pemindahan tabut perjanjian terhenti ...

SH: 1Taw 15:1--16:6 - Menghormati Tuhan (Selasa, 25 April 2017) Menghormati Tuhan P eristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi tidak semestinya lewat tanpa makna. Ada kejadian-kejadian ter...

SH: 1Taw 15:1--16:6 - Belajar dari Kesalahan (Minggu, 13 Agustus 2023) Belajar dari Kesalahan Niat baik yang disertai dengan cara yang tidak benar dan tidak diperkenan Tuhan adalah per...

SH: 1Taw 15:1-29 - Pemimpin yang diberkati (Kamis 21 Agustus 2008) Pemimpin yang diberkati Judul: Pemimpin yang tahu batas Sikap apa yang diperlukan oleh seorang pemimpi...

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Advanced Commentary (Kamus, Lagu-Lagu Himne, Gambar, Ilustrasi Khotbah, Pertanyaan-Pertanyaan, dll)

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