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Teks -- 2 Tawarikh 20:7-9 (TB)

Tampilkan Strong
20:7 Bukankah Engkau Allah kami yang menghalau penduduk tanah ini dari depan umat-Mu Israel, dan memberikannya kepada keturunan Abraham, sahabat-Mu itu, untuk selama-lamanya? 20:8 Lalu mereka mendiami tanah itu, dan mendirikan bagi-Mu tempat kudus untuk nama-Mu. Kata mereka: 20:9 Bila sesuatu malapetaka menimpa kami, yakni pedang, penghukuman, penyakit sampar atau kelaparan, kami akan berdiri di muka rumah ini, di hadapan-Mu, karena nama-Mu tinggal di dalam rumah ini. Dan kami akan berseru kepada-Mu di dalam kesesakan kami, sampai Engkau mendengar dan menyelamatkan kami.
Paralel   Ref. Silang (TSK)   Ref. Silang (FULL)   ITL  

Nama Orang, Nama Tempat, Topik/Tema Kamus

Nama Orang dan Nama Tempat:
 · Abraham a son of Terah; the father of Isaac; ancestor of the Jewish nation.,the son of Terah of Shem
 · anak Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · Anak perempuan Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · bangsa Israel the nation that descended from Jacob, whom God named Israel; the Jewish people,son of Isaac son of Abraham; founder of the nation of Israel,the nation of Israel under Moses, Joshua and the judges,the kingdom of Israel under King Saul,the northern tribes under Ish-Bosheth & Abner,the Kingdom of Israel as united under David and Solomon,the Northern Kingdom as divided from Judah, Simeon and Benjamin,the post exile Jewish community; the re-established Israel,the post exile lay community; Israelites other than Levites,Israel in general as in the Psalms and the prophets,the phrase "All Israel",the phrase "Assembly of (United) Israel",the phrase "Border(s) of Israel",the phrase "Children of Israel",the phrase "Congregation of Israel",the phrase "Descendants" or "Offspring of Israel",the phrase "Elders of Israel",the phrase "God of Israel",the phrase "Hill country of Israel",the phrase "Holy One of Israel",the phrase "House of Israel",the phrases "Judge(d) Israel; judge(s) of Israel",the phrase "King of Israel",the phrase "King over Israel",the phrase "Kings of Israel",the phrase "Land of Israel",the phrase "Leaders in/of Israel; take the lead in Israel",the phrase "Man of Israel",the phrase "Men of Israel",the phrase "Mountains of Israel",the phrase "O house of Israel",the phrase "O Israel",the phrase "His people Israel",the phrase "My people Israel",the phrase "Thy people Israel",the phrase "People of Israel",the phrase "Prince(s) in/of/over Israel",the phrase "Reign over Israel",the phrase "Shepherd(s) of Israel",the phrase "Sons of Israel",the phrase "Territory of Israel",the phrase "Throne in/over/of Israel",the phrase "Tribes of Israel",the phrase "Virgin of Israel"
 · Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · kaum Israel the nation that descended from Jacob, whom God named Israel; the Jewish people,son of Isaac son of Abraham; founder of the nation of Israel,the nation of Israel under Moses, Joshua and the judges,the kingdom of Israel under King Saul,the northern tribes under Ish-Bosheth & Abner,the Kingdom of Israel as united under David and Solomon,the Northern Kingdom as divided from Judah, Simeon and Benjamin,the post exile Jewish community; the re-established Israel,the post exile lay community; Israelites other than Levites,Israel in general as in the Psalms and the prophets,the phrase "All Israel",the phrase "Assembly of (United) Israel",the phrase "Border(s) of Israel",the phrase "Children of Israel",the phrase "Congregation of Israel",the phrase "Descendants" or "Offspring of Israel",the phrase "Elders of Israel",the phrase "God of Israel",the phrase "Hill country of Israel",the phrase "Holy One of Israel",the phrase "House of Israel",the phrases "Judge(d) Israel; judge(s) of Israel",the phrase "King of Israel",the phrase "King over Israel",the phrase "Kings of Israel",the phrase "Land of Israel",the phrase "Leaders in/of Israel; take the lead in Israel",the phrase "Man of Israel",the phrase "Men of Israel",the phrase "Mountains of Israel",the phrase "O house of Israel",the phrase "O Israel",the phrase "His people Israel",the phrase "My people Israel",the phrase "Thy people Israel",the phrase "People of Israel",the phrase "Prince(s) in/of/over Israel",the phrase "Reign over Israel",the phrase "Shepherd(s) of Israel",the phrase "Sons of Israel",the phrase "Territory of Israel",the phrase "Throne in/over/of Israel",the phrase "Tribes of Israel",the phrase "Virgin of Israel"
 · orang Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · orang-orang Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · seorang Ismael a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · seorang Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · suku Israel the nation that descended from Jacob, whom God named Israel; the Jewish people,son of Isaac son of Abraham; founder of the nation of Israel,the nation of Israel under Moses, Joshua and the judges,the kingdom of Israel under King Saul,the northern tribes under Ish-Bosheth & Abner,the Kingdom of Israel as united under David and Solomon,the Northern Kingdom as divided from Judah, Simeon and Benjamin,the post exile Jewish community; the re-established Israel,the post exile lay community; Israelites other than Levites,Israel in general as in the Psalms and the prophets,the phrase "All Israel",the phrase "Assembly of (United) Israel",the phrase "Border(s) of Israel",the phrase "Children of Israel",the phrase "Congregation of Israel",the phrase "Descendants" or "Offspring of Israel",the phrase "Elders of Israel",the phrase "God of Israel",the phrase "Hill country of Israel",the phrase "Holy One of Israel",the phrase "House of Israel",the phrases "Judge(d) Israel; judge(s) of Israel",the phrase "King of Israel",the phrase "King over Israel",the phrase "Kings of Israel",the phrase "Land of Israel",the phrase "Leaders in/of Israel; take the lead in Israel",the phrase "Man of Israel",the phrase "Men of Israel",the phrase "Mountains of Israel",the phrase "O house of Israel",the phrase "O Israel",the phrase "His people Israel",the phrase "My people Israel",the phrase "Thy people Israel",the phrase "People of Israel",the phrase "Prince(s) in/of/over Israel",the phrase "Reign over Israel",the phrase "Shepherd(s) of Israel",the phrase "Sons of Israel",the phrase "Territory of Israel",the phrase "Throne in/over/of Israel",the phrase "Tribes of Israel",the phrase "Virgin of Israel"
 · umat Israel the nation that descended from Jacob, whom God named Israel; the Jewish people,son of Isaac son of Abraham; founder of the nation of Israel,the nation of Israel under Moses, Joshua and the judges,the kingdom of Israel under King Saul,the northern tribes under Ish-Bosheth & Abner,the Kingdom of Israel as united under David and Solomon,the Northern Kingdom as divided from Judah, Simeon and Benjamin,the post exile Jewish community; the re-established Israel,the post exile lay community; Israelites other than Levites,Israel in general as in the Psalms and the prophets,the phrase "All Israel",the phrase "Assembly of (United) Israel",the phrase "Border(s) of Israel",the phrase "Children of Israel",the phrase "Congregation of Israel",the phrase "Descendants" or "Offspring of Israel",the phrase "Elders of Israel",the phrase "God of Israel",the phrase "Hill country of Israel",the phrase "Holy One of Israel",the phrase "House of Israel",the phrases "Judge(d) Israel; judge(s) of Israel",the phrase "King of Israel",the phrase "King over Israel",the phrase "Kings of Israel",the phrase "Land of Israel",the phrase "Leaders in/of Israel; take the lead in Israel",the phrase "Man of Israel",the phrase "Men of Israel",the phrase "Mountains of Israel",the phrase "O house of Israel",the phrase "O Israel",the phrase "His people Israel",the phrase "My people Israel",the phrase "Thy people Israel",the phrase "People of Israel",the phrase "Prince(s) in/of/over Israel",the phrase "Reign over Israel",the phrase "Shepherd(s) of Israel",the phrase "Sons of Israel",the phrase "Territory of Israel",the phrase "Throne in/over/of Israel",the phrase "Tribes of Israel",the phrase "Virgin of Israel"
 · Yakub the second so of a pair of twins born to Isaac and Rebeccaa; ancestor of the 12 tribes of Israel,the nation of Israel,a person, male,son of Isaac; Israel the man and nation

Topik/Tema Kamus: Yosafat | Mesa | Raja | Lembah Yosafat | Orang Amon | Jawab, Jawaban Doa | Wabah Atau Sampar | Hak Istimewa Dari Orang-Orang Kudus | Abraham | Gelar Dan Nama Yang Diberikan; Kepada Orang-orang Kudus | Hukum, Hukuman | selebihnya
Daftar Isi

Catatan Kata/Frasa
Jerusalem , Ref. Silang FULL

Catatan Rentang Ayat
Matthew Henry , SH , Topik Teologia

kecilkan semua
Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Kata/Frasa (per frasa)

Jerusalem: 2Taw 20:1-30 - -- Ceritera yang panjang ini tidak terdapat dalam kitab Raja-raja. Namun ia bukan buah khayal si Muwarikh. Ia agaknya berasal dari tradisi yang terpeliha...

Ceritera yang panjang ini tidak terdapat dalam kitab Raja-raja. Namun ia bukan buah khayal si Muwarikh. Ia agaknya berasal dari tradisi yang terpelihara di bagian selatan negeri. Ini terasa dalam nama-nama tempat yang terletak di bagian selatan itu. Inti historis kisah ini agaknya sebuah serangan yang dilontarkan kelompok-kelompok yang menyerbu dari daerah di seberang sungai Yordan dan dari tanah Negeb. Sewaktu-waktu serangan semacam itu terjadi dan akhirnya orang Edom memang berhasil menetap di bagian selatan Palestina. Tetapi kisah seperti disajikan Tawarikh mengingatkan kitab Ulangan dan gaya sasteranya serupa dengan gaya sastera yang lazim dalam ceritera-ceritera mengenai perang suci, lihat khususnya 2Ta 20:15-18,22-23,29.

Ref. Silang FULL: 2Taw 20:7 - penduduk tanah // Abraham, sahabat-Mu · penduduk tanah: Kej 12:7; Kej 12:7 · Abraham, sahabat-Mu: Yes 41:8; Yak 2:23

· penduduk tanah: Kej 12:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 12:7]

· Abraham, sahabat-Mu: Yes 41:8; Yak 2:23

Ref. Silang FULL: 2Taw 20:8 - tempat kudus · tempat kudus: 2Taw 6:20

· tempat kudus: 2Taw 6:20

Ref. Silang FULL: 2Taw 20:9 - atau kelaparan · atau kelaparan: 2Taw 6:28; 2Taw 6:28

· atau kelaparan: 2Taw 6:28; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 6:28]

buka semua
Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Rentang Ayat

Matthew Henry: 2Taw 20:1-13 - Doa Yosafat kepada Allah Di sini kita menemukan, ...

SH: 2Taw 20:1-19 - Sikap orang saleh menghadapi ancaman (Minggu, 23 Juni 2002) Sikap orang saleh menghadapi ancaman Sikap orang saleh menghadapi ancaman. Kesalehan berperanan besar dala...

SH: 2Taw 20:1-19 - Siapakah Allah selain Tuhan? (Kamis, 18 November 2010) Siapakah Allah selain Tuhan? Judul: Ingat: kita punya Tuhan Apa yang akan Anda lakukan saat ketakutan ...

SH: 2Taw 20:1--21:1 - Ketakutan yang Berakhir Sukacita (Senin, 5 Juni 2017) Ketakutan yang Berakhir Sukacita Saat musuh bersekutu dan kekuatan besar siap menyerbu, biasanya rasa takut akan ...

SH: 2Taw 20:1--21:1 - Mencari Tuhan dalam Kesesakan (Sabtu, 16 Desember 2023) Mencari Tuhan dalam Kesesakan Ketenteraman tidak selalu dimiliki oleh bangsa Yehuda sekalipun mereka telah berjan...

Topik Teologia: 2Taw 20:7 - -- Umat Manusia Pada Umumnya Natur yang Terkait dari Umat Manusia Israel sebagai Kesatuan yang Terkait Identifikasi I...

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Pendahuluan / Garis Besar

Full Life: 2 Tawarikh (Pendahuluan Kitab) Penulis : Ezra (?) Tema : Ibadah, Kebangunan Rohani, dan Pembaharuan Sejati ...

Full Life: 2 Tawarikh (Garis Besar) Garis Besar I. Salomo: Sumbangan-Sumbangan Penting Masa Pemerintahannya (...

Matthew Henry: 2 Tawarikh (Pendahuluan Kitab) Kitab ini diawali dengan pemerintahan Salomo dan pembangunan Bait Suci, kemu...

Jerusalem: 2 Tawarikh (Pendahuluan Kitab) KITAB-KITAB TAWARIKH, EZRA DAN NEHEMIA PENGANTAR Di samping karya sejarah ...

Ende: 2 Tawarikh (Pendahuluan Kitab) KITAB TAWARICH PENDAHULUAN Sebagai pengutji daftar kitab2 sutji tradisi Jahudi di Palestina -- menjimpang da...

BIS: 2 Tawarikh (Pendahuluan Kitab) II TAWARIKH PENGANTAR Buku II Tawarikh merupakan lanjutan buku I Tawarikh. Buku ini mulai dengan kisah...

Intisari: 2 Tawarikh (Pendahuluan Kitab) Pelajaran mengenai Kesetiaan ISI II TAWARIKH II Tawarikh menceritakan kisah umat Allah dengan pemeritahan Raja Salomo. Ki...

Garis Besar Intisari: 2 Tawarikh (Pendahuluan Kitab) [1] PEMERINTAHAN RAJA SALOMO 2Ta 1:1-9:31...

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