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Teks -- Bilangan 2:1-7 (TB)

Tampilkan Strong
Suku-suku Israel ditunjuk tempat perkemahannya
2:1 TUHAN berfirman kepada Musa dan Harun: 2:2 "Orang Israel harus berkemah masing-masing dekat panji-panjinya, menurut lambang suku-sukunya. Mereka harus berkemah di sekeliling Kemah Pertemuan, agak jauh dari padanya. 2:3 Yang berkemah di sebelah timur dekat panji-panjinya, ialah laskar Yehuda, menurut pasukan-pasukan mereka. Pemimpin bani Yehuda ialah Nahason bin Aminadab. 2:4 Pasukannya terdiri dari tujuh puluh empat ribu enam ratus orang yang dicatat. 2:5 Yang berkemah di dekatnya ialah suku Isakhar. Pemimpin bani Isakhar ialah Netaneel bin Zuar. 2:6 Pasukannya terdiri dari lima puluh empat ribu empat ratus orang yang dicatat. 2:7 Kemudian suku Zebulon. Pemimpin bani Zebulon ialah Eliab bin Helon.
Paralel   Ref. Silang (TSK)   Ref. Silang (FULL)   ITL  

Nama Orang, Nama Tempat, Topik/Tema Kamus

Nama Orang dan Nama Tempat:
 · Aminadab A son of Ram; the father of Nahshon and an ancestor of Jesus,son of Ram (Judah); father of Nahshon, Moses' deputy over Judah,son of Kohath son of Levi,a man of Levi; head of the clan of Uzziel under David
 · anak Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · Anak perempuan Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · bangsa Israel the nation that descended from Jacob, whom God named Israel; the Jewish people,son of Isaac son of Abraham; founder of the nation of Israel,the nation of Israel under Moses, Joshua and the judges,the kingdom of Israel under King Saul,the northern tribes under Ish-Bosheth & Abner,the Kingdom of Israel as united under David and Solomon,the Northern Kingdom as divided from Judah, Simeon and Benjamin,the post exile Jewish community; the re-established Israel,the post exile lay community; Israelites other than Levites,Israel in general as in the Psalms and the prophets,the phrase "All Israel",the phrase "Assembly of (United) Israel",the phrase "Border(s) of Israel",the phrase "Children of Israel",the phrase "Congregation of Israel",the phrase "Descendants" or "Offspring of Israel",the phrase "Elders of Israel",the phrase "God of Israel",the phrase "Hill country of Israel",the phrase "Holy One of Israel",the phrase "House of Israel",the phrases "Judge(d) Israel; judge(s) of Israel",the phrase "King of Israel",the phrase "King over Israel",the phrase "Kings of Israel",the phrase "Land of Israel",the phrase "Leaders in/of Israel; take the lead in Israel",the phrase "Man of Israel",the phrase "Men of Israel",the phrase "Mountains of Israel",the phrase "O house of Israel",the phrase "O Israel",the phrase "His people Israel",the phrase "My people Israel",the phrase "Thy people Israel",the phrase "People of Israel",the phrase "Prince(s) in/of/over Israel",the phrase "Reign over Israel",the phrase "Shepherd(s) of Israel",the phrase "Sons of Israel",the phrase "Territory of Israel",the phrase "Throne in/over/of Israel",the phrase "Tribes of Israel",the phrase "Virgin of Israel"
 · Eliab son of Helon; Moses' officer over the tribe of Zebulun,son of Pallu of Reuben; father of Dathan and Abiram,son of Jesse; brother of David,a Levite worship leader in David's time,a Gadite officer of Saul's who defected to David,son of Nahath/Toah/Tohu of Levi; Samuel's great grandfather
 · Harun a son of Amram; brother of Moses,son of Amram (Kohath Levi); patriarch of Israel's priests,the clan or priestly line founded by Aaron
 · Helon father of Eliab, Moses' officer over the tribe of Zebulun
 · Isakhar the tribe of Israel that came from his Jacob's son Issachar,son of Jacob and Leah; founder of the tribe of Issachar,the tribe of Issachar in Israel,son of Obed-Edom
 · Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · kaum Israel the nation that descended from Jacob, whom God named Israel; the Jewish people,son of Isaac son of Abraham; founder of the nation of Israel,the nation of Israel under Moses, Joshua and the judges,the kingdom of Israel under King Saul,the northern tribes under Ish-Bosheth & Abner,the Kingdom of Israel as united under David and Solomon,the Northern Kingdom as divided from Judah, Simeon and Benjamin,the post exile Jewish community; the re-established Israel,the post exile lay community; Israelites other than Levites,Israel in general as in the Psalms and the prophets,the phrase "All Israel",the phrase "Assembly of (United) Israel",the phrase "Border(s) of Israel",the phrase "Children of Israel",the phrase "Congregation of Israel",the phrase "Descendants" or "Offspring of Israel",the phrase "Elders of Israel",the phrase "God of Israel",the phrase "Hill country of Israel",the phrase "Holy One of Israel",the phrase "House of Israel",the phrases "Judge(d) Israel; judge(s) of Israel",the phrase "King of Israel",the phrase "King over Israel",the phrase "Kings of Israel",the phrase "Land of Israel",the phrase "Leaders in/of Israel; take the lead in Israel",the phrase "Man of Israel",the phrase "Men of Israel",the phrase "Mountains of Israel",the phrase "O house of Israel",the phrase "O Israel",the phrase "His people Israel",the phrase "My people Israel",the phrase "Thy people Israel",the phrase "People of Israel",the phrase "Prince(s) in/of/over Israel",the phrase "Reign over Israel",the phrase "Shepherd(s) of Israel",the phrase "Sons of Israel",the phrase "Territory of Israel",the phrase "Throne in/over/of Israel",the phrase "Tribes of Israel",the phrase "Virgin of Israel"
 · Musa a son of Amram; the Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them The Law of Moses,a Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them the law
 · Nahason a son of Amminadab; the father of Salmon; an ancestor of Jesus.,son of Amminadab; Moses' officer over the tribe of Judah
 · Netaneel son of Zuar; Moses' officer over the tribe of Issachar,son of Jesse of Judah; brother of David,a priest in David's time,a Levite and father of the scribe Shemaiah in David's time,son of Obed-Edom; a Levite gatekeeper,a prince King Jehoshaphat sent to teach the law around Judah,a chief officer of the house of God in Josiah's time,a priest of the Pashhur Clan who put away his heathen wife,a priest and head of the house of Jedaiah under Joiakim,a Levite musician who helped dedicate Nehemiah's wall
 · orang Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · orang-orang Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · seorang Ismael a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · seorang Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · suku Israel the nation that descended from Jacob, whom God named Israel; the Jewish people,son of Isaac son of Abraham; founder of the nation of Israel,the nation of Israel under Moses, Joshua and the judges,the kingdom of Israel under King Saul,the northern tribes under Ish-Bosheth & Abner,the Kingdom of Israel as united under David and Solomon,the Northern Kingdom as divided from Judah, Simeon and Benjamin,the post exile Jewish community; the re-established Israel,the post exile lay community; Israelites other than Levites,Israel in general as in the Psalms and the prophets,the phrase "All Israel",the phrase "Assembly of (United) Israel",the phrase "Border(s) of Israel",the phrase "Children of Israel",the phrase "Congregation of Israel",the phrase "Descendants" or "Offspring of Israel",the phrase "Elders of Israel",the phrase "God of Israel",the phrase "Hill country of Israel",the phrase "Holy One of Israel",the phrase "House of Israel",the phrases "Judge(d) Israel; judge(s) of Israel",the phrase "King of Israel",the phrase "King over Israel",the phrase "Kings of Israel",the phrase "Land of Israel",the phrase "Leaders in/of Israel; take the lead in Israel",the phrase "Man of Israel",the phrase "Men of Israel",the phrase "Mountains of Israel",the phrase "O house of Israel",the phrase "O Israel",the phrase "His people Israel",the phrase "My people Israel",the phrase "Thy people Israel",the phrase "People of Israel",the phrase "Prince(s) in/of/over Israel",the phrase "Reign over Israel",the phrase "Shepherd(s) of Israel",the phrase "Sons of Israel",the phrase "Territory of Israel",the phrase "Throne in/over/of Israel",the phrase "Tribes of Israel",the phrase "Virgin of Israel"
 · umat Israel the nation that descended from Jacob, whom God named Israel; the Jewish people,son of Isaac son of Abraham; founder of the nation of Israel,the nation of Israel under Moses, Joshua and the judges,the kingdom of Israel under King Saul,the northern tribes under Ish-Bosheth & Abner,the Kingdom of Israel as united under David and Solomon,the Northern Kingdom as divided from Judah, Simeon and Benjamin,the post exile Jewish community; the re-established Israel,the post exile lay community; Israelites other than Levites,Israel in general as in the Psalms and the prophets,the phrase "All Israel",the phrase "Assembly of (United) Israel",the phrase "Border(s) of Israel",the phrase "Children of Israel",the phrase "Congregation of Israel",the phrase "Descendants" or "Offspring of Israel",the phrase "Elders of Israel",the phrase "God of Israel",the phrase "Hill country of Israel",the phrase "Holy One of Israel",the phrase "House of Israel",the phrases "Judge(d) Israel; judge(s) of Israel",the phrase "King of Israel",the phrase "King over Israel",the phrase "Kings of Israel",the phrase "Land of Israel",the phrase "Leaders in/of Israel; take the lead in Israel",the phrase "Man of Israel",the phrase "Men of Israel",the phrase "Mountains of Israel",the phrase "O house of Israel",the phrase "O Israel",the phrase "His people Israel",the phrase "My people Israel",the phrase "Thy people Israel",the phrase "People of Israel",the phrase "Prince(s) in/of/over Israel",the phrase "Reign over Israel",the phrase "Shepherd(s) of Israel",the phrase "Sons of Israel",the phrase "Territory of Israel",the phrase "Throne in/over/of Israel",the phrase "Tribes of Israel",the phrase "Virgin of Israel"
 · Yakub the second so of a pair of twins born to Isaac and Rebeccaa; ancestor of the 12 tribes of Israel,the nation of Israel,a person, male,son of Isaac; Israel the man and nation
 · Yehuda the son of Jacob and Leah; founder of the tribe of Judah,a tribe, the land/country,a son of Joseph; the father of Simeon; an ancestor of Jesus,son of Jacob/Israel and Leah; founder of the tribe of Judah,the tribe of Judah,citizens of the southern kingdom of Judah,citizens of the Persian Province of Judah; the Jews who had returned from Babylonian exile,"house of Judah", a phrase which highlights the political leadership of the tribe of Judah,"king of Judah", a phrase which relates to the southern kingdom of Judah,"kings of Judah", a phrase relating to the southern kingdom of Judah,"princes of Judah", a phrase relating to the kingdom of Judah,the territory allocated to the tribe of Judah, and also the extended territory of the southern kingdom of Judah,the Province of Judah under Persian rule,"hill country of Judah", the relatively cool and green central highlands of the territory of Judah,"the cities of Judah",the language of the Jews; Hebrew,head of a family of Levites who returned from Exile,a Levite who put away his heathen wife,a man who was second in command of Jerusalem; son of Hassenuah of Benjamin,a Levite in charge of the songs of thanksgiving in Nehemiah's time,a leader who helped dedicate Nehemiah's wall,a Levite musician who helped Zechariah of Asaph dedicate Nehemiah's wall
 · Zebulon the tribe of Israel that came from Zebulun whose territory was in Galilee,the man; son of Jacob and Leah,the tribe of Zebulun,the territory of the tribe of Zebulun
 · Zuar father of Nethanel, Moses' officer over the tribe of Issachar

Topik/Tema Kamus: Bilangan, Kitab | Hukum Musa | Jalan, Perjalanan Israel Melalui | Cacah Jiwa | Suku-Suku Bangsa Israel | Suku Zebulon | Suku Isakhar | Suku Yehuda | selebihnya
Daftar Isi

Catatan Kata/Frasa
Jerusalem , Ende , Ref. Silang FULL

Catatan Rentang Ayat
Matthew Henry , SH

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Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Kata/Frasa (per frasa)

Jerusalem: Bil 1:1--4:49 - -- Bab 1-4 digubah oleh Para Imam. Israel ditampilkan sebagai sebuah jemaat kudus yang rapi tersusun dan teratur. Bagian teras jemaat itu ialah kaum Lewi...

Bab 1-4 digubah oleh Para Imam. Israel ditampilkan sebagai sebuah jemaat kudus yang rapi tersusun dan teratur. Bagian teras jemaat itu ialah kaum Lewi. Kedudukannya itu sudah nampak pada tempat suku Lewi di perkemahan, pada tugas yang diserahkan kepada mereka dan bahkan pada jumlah mereka (yang sesuai dengan jumlah anak sulung Israel yang mereka ganti sebagai persembahan kepada Tuhan). Pendaftaran anggota-anggota jemaat itu sendiri mempunyai ciri keagamaan, bdk 2Sa 24. angka-angka yang disajikan di sini tidak sama dalam semua naskah Ibrani dan terjemahan-terjemahan kuno.

Ende: Bil 2:2 - -- Mereka harus "berantara", agar djangan "kena murka". oleh karena mendekati kemah sutji (bdk. Bil 1:53).

Mereka harus "berantara", agar djangan "kena murka". oleh karena mendekati kemah sutji (bdk. Bil 1:53).

Ref. Silang FULL: Bil 2:2 - dekat panji-panjinya · dekat panji-panjinya: Mazm 74:4; Yes 31:9; Yer 4:21

· dekat panji-panjinya: Mazm 74:4; Yes 31:9; Yer 4:21

Ref. Silang FULL: Bil 2:3 - bin Aminadab · bin Aminadab: Kel 6:22; Kel 6:22

· bin Aminadab: Kel 6:22; [Lihat FULL. Kel 6:22]

Ref. Silang FULL: Bil 2:5 - bani Isakhar // bin Zuar · bani Isakhar: Bil 10:15 · bin Zuar: Bil 1:8; Bil 1:8

· bani Isakhar: Bil 10:15

· bin Zuar: Bil 1:8; [Lihat FULL. Bil 1:8]

Ref. Silang FULL: Bil 2:7 - bin Helon · bin Helon: Bil 1:9; 10:16

· bin Helon: Bil 1:9; 10:16

buka semua
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SH: Bil 2:1-34 - Rumahku Surgaku (Jumat, 17 April 2020) Rumahku Surgaku Rumah adalah tempat yang penting bagi setiap orang. Rumah selalu dijadikan tempat beristirahat ya...

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